Oral history is a type of history arising from using the memories of people and listening to what they narrate. Oral history is a kind of history established around people. It introduces life into the history, and extends its scope. It selects its heroes among the majority of people who have not been known up to that time not only among the leaders. Oral history that has gradually gained importance in academic history was started to be used increasingly in education-purpose studies, and included into the curriculums as of the primary education all around the world and in Turkey where the research was carried out. This research aimed to reveal the views of pre-service teachers assigned in the project of “University Students are Investigating the Recent History of Adıyaman” carried out by Adıyaman University Social Studies Teaching program. This study aiming to reveal the experience and considerations of 30 pre-service teachers participated actively into the oral history interviews related to the interview process was carried out through the qualitative research method, and the data were obtained using face-to-face semi-structured interview technique. The data were analyzed through content analysis, and it was revealed that the pre-service teachers were provided to acquire the fundamental skills related to oral history method emphasized frequently in the literature. As result of the research, it was revealed that the pre-service teachers explained the questions better through souffle and drilling techniques, and obtained the details through the clues. During a good oral history interview process, they tried to obtain information efficiently from old people.
Key words: Social studies, local history, elders, oral history, Adiyaman.
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