Full Length Research Paper
The study aimed to assess the consequences of an academic educational program on the scholars' knowledge and attitude regarding premenstrual syndromes and, its effect on the absenteeism of scholars in Sabya University College. A quasi-experimental study of 0.97 students recruited study group; data were collected then recollected after the tutorial program session was provided. Data were interred into spss version 26, organized, tabularized, and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Mean knowledge changed from 3814 pre- to 0.9081 post intervention, good knowledge score was 20.6% changed to 72.2% post intervention, while inadequate knowledge score was 79.4 pre was changed to 27.8 post, which supports the tutorial program. Positive attitude 56.6% pre was changed to 61.9% post. In contrast, the negative attitude was changed from 47.7% to 38% post intervention. Pearson correlation test showed a direct correlation between absenteeism and knowledge score pre and post-intervention. PMS was significantly associated with several problems related to educational activities. The tutorial program resulted in a significant change of data from pre to post-intervention for the study group, also changed attitude, and there's a direct correlation between premenstrual symptoms and absenteeism, premenstrual symptoms were significant effects on educational activities.
Key word: Educational program, knowledge, attitude, premenstrual and absenteeism.
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