Full Length Research Paper
This study assessed the teacher placement and utilization and their impact on Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) performance in the Kassena/Nankana Municipality. The study has the following objectives: Factors influencing teacher placement in public basic schools and the impact of teacher placement on BECE performance. The study gathered data from 99 teachers from 10 Junior High Schools in the Municipality through questionnaire administration. The data on BECE performance of schools were obtained from the schools over 2015-2019. The schools were made up 5 urban and 5 rural schools. All descriptive analysis was done with SPSS, version 21.0. The study based on Hausman specification test, used random effect model to estimate the impact of teacher placement and utilization on BECE performance of the selected schools. Majority of the respondents considered ability to speak the local language, good health facility, easy access to professional development, access to information and modern technology in the community before accepting posting. It was however revealed that peace and harmony are only condition helping to retaining teachers. Teachers taught skills and knowledge acquired at the colleges of education, they were also made to handle other subjects outside their field. Teacher placement has significant positive influence on BECE performance of the schools.
Key words: Placement, students’ performance, teacher, access, skill.
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