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Books introduce children to social life and provide them with the opportunity to expand their imaginary worlds. Pre-school children are influenced by books more than adults. Children can identify themselves with the heroes in the books and choose to act like them. Therefore, the features of the heroes in children’s picture books, what they go through, and the intended message of the story have significant importance in terms of children’s development. This study aims to analyze children’s picture books aimed at children who are 3-6 years old in terms of child rights violations. Phenomenological pattern, which is among qualitative research methods, was used in the study. The 30 books, which constitute the data set of the study, were chosen firstly by determining the publishers, and secondly through random sampling method. The data of the study were sorted out using descriptive analysis. In order to find the messages that are directly or indirectly conveyed in children’s picture books, “the sentences in the books” were analyzed. The analysis of the data is based on the four sub-themes of child rights; namely, “Survival, Protection, Participation, Development” rights. This study found that development rights were violated the most. Then came survival and protection violations. No violation as to participation rights was observed. Finally, suggestions were made about the study.
Key words: Child rights, children’s literature, children’s books, pre-school, storybooks.
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