Full Length Research Paper
In this study it was aimed to examine the content quality of cartoons preferred to watch by 3-6 years children. The content quality of the cartoons in current study was investigated under two titles: ‘themes and futures of characters’. Themes of the cartoons were analyzed under three subtitles: reality status, contents and types of messages. Features of the characters in the cartoons were analyzed under four subtitles: gender, type, number and character-preference reasons. The sample of the study was composed of a total 312 children. The data of the study were obtained from face to face interviews with cartoons-images. The data were analyzed using percentages (%) and frequency (f) whereas differences related age and gender were analyzed with chi-square test. In the pictures drawn by the children; it was seen that they drew 29 different cartoons. The cartoon preferences of the children may differ according to the content quality of the cartoons. Theme and character features of the cartoons preferred by the children may differ according to their ages and genders.
Key words: Cartoon contents, characters, children, themes.
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