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This study was aimed to make a historical review by collecting and comparing teachers’ opinions on target-behaviors/learning-objectives outcomes, content, plans, activities, practices and assessment of the Ministry of National Education (MoNE), Turkey 2002, 2006, and 2013 preschool education curricula (PEC) in six categories. The sample group of the study was selected by easily accessible technique from eight districts of Ankara province. This includes a total of 40 teachers. The data collection tools of the study were semi-structured "Teacher Interview Form" and teachers' "Personal Information Form". In this study, content analysis was carried out by using interview technique from qualitative research methods. As a result of the study, it was determined that preschool teachers tend to regard preschool education curricula as becoming more effective, child-centered, easier to implement, teacher-guided, with active participation of the children. In the vast majority of teacher opinions on MoNE 2002 PEC, it is reported that the objectives of curriculum are appropriate for children and these objectives can be acquired by children. The practice category of the MoNE 2002, 2006 and 2013 curricula recommends that the practices are child-centered, the teacher serves as a moderator during activities, the activities are implementable and easy, and it is an actively participated curriculum.
Key words: Preschool education, curriculum, curricula, preschool education curriculum.
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