Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2018

Table of Content: 10 April 2016; 11(7)

April 2016

Investigation of teachers' perceptions of organizational citizenship behavior and their evaluation in terms of educational administration

The aim of this study is to investigate teachers' perceptions of organizational citizenship behaviors and to evaluate them in terms of educational administration. Descriptive survey model was used in the research. The data of the research were obtained from 1,613 teachers working in public and private schools subjected to Ministry of National Education in Uskudar District of Istanbul province in 2014. In this study,...

Author(s): Ahmet AVCI

April 2016

Linking organizational health in Jeddah secondary schools to students' academic achievement

This study aimed to assess organizational health (OH) in secondary schools in Jeddah district in Saudi Arabia. A second aim of the study was to compare the organizational health of these schools according to their rankings on student achievement tests, school type and the nature of the respondents' work. The Organizational Health Inventory (OHI), developed by Hoy and Feldman (1987), was used to examine OH in the...

Author(s): Saleh Ali Y. Alqarni 

April 2016

Examining participation of university students in recreational entertainment marketing activities

The aim of this study was to examine participation of university students in recreational entertainment marketing activities. The survey population consisted of university student in Marmara University Province of Istanbul. The sample constituted a total of 272 students (150 male and 122 female), determined by circumstantial method. The survey constituted by Korkmaz was used as a data collection tool. Frequency and...

Author(s): Adem Pala 

April 2016

Preservice preschool teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs and attitudes toward teaching profession

The purpose of this study is to investigate preservice preschool teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs and attitudes toward the teaching profession. The population of the present study consisted of 855(Female= 729) preservice preschool teachers studying at the Faculty of Education, Cumhuriyet University, in the fall semester of the 2015 – 2016 academic year. This study used mixed methods, both quantitative and...

Author(s): Åženel Elaldı and Nazlı Sıla Yerliyurt 

April 2016

A study of developing attitude scale for piano teaching

In this study, the development phases of a measurement instrument, which can be used for measuring the piano teaching attitudes of piano teachers, are investigated. Validity and reliability studies of the scale, which was developed in Turkey’s circumstances, were carried out with 196 piano teachers giving piano lectures in different districts of Turkey in the year 2015. Content validity, principal component...

Author(s): Tarkan YAZICI 

April 2016

Effect of daily work on student’s memorization ability in piano education

It is very important for a student to study regularly so that the results of effective training given by the teacher can be positive. It is an inevitable fact that daily and regular work will bring success to students. Therefore, daily work is highly important in music education. Daily work in instrumental education, which is a part of music education, is important for students to get successful results. The purpose of...

Author(s): Barış TOPTAÅž 

April 2016

The views of Arab students regarding Turks, the Ottoman Empire, and the Republic of Turkey: A case of Jordan

Arab and Turkish people lived together for nearly four hundred years under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, during which time both sides inevitably adopted a certain kind of attitude and view toward the other. This study is an attempt to explore Arab people’s views toward Turks, the Ottoman Empire, and the Republic of Turkey. Through a case study of Jordan, the study seeks to understand the views of Turks, the...

Author(s): Hasan Isık 

April 2016

Examining the relation between metacognitive understanding of what is listened to and metacognitive awareness levels of secondary school students

The purpose of the study is to reveal the relation between the Metacognitive Understanding of What is Listened and the Metacognitive Awareness Levels of Secondary School Students. 210 students, who were at 5, 6, 7, and 8th Grades studying at Turgut Ozal Secondary School in Bulanik County of the city of Mus, participated in the study. The Metacognitive Understanding of What is Listened Awareness Scale, which was...

Author(s): Erhan AKIN 

April 2016

The relationship between fan identification and moral disengagement of physical education and sports students

Sport and physical education can play an important role on the development of moral behavior. However, there has been a surge in unethical conducts both in and out of sports fields in recent years. Conducts such as match fixing and incentive payment which fall into the realm of corruption are unacceptable by some fans. For some others, these are deemed as acceptable. Tenacity to win at the expense of anything cripples...

Author(s): Yavuz Yıldız

April 2016

Effects of doctorate program on a novice teacher’s conceptualization of an effective teacher: A case study

This case study, the framework of which is provided by Kelly’s Personal Construct Theory, investigates how a female novice ELT teacher structures her constructs on the qualities of an effective teacher. Repertory grid, a cognitive mapping approach, based on Kelly’s theory was used as an elicitation technique in the study. The study focused on four main questions. These are how the participant conceptualized...

Author(s): Gülden Ä°lin 

April 2016

Ethnomathematics in Arfak (West Papua –Indonesia): Hidden Mathematics on knot of Rumah Kaki Seribu

This ethnomathematics article focused on the models of knot which is used in the frame of Rumah Kaki Seribu. The knot model itself was studied mathematically. The results of this study revealed the way Arfak tribal communities think mathematically. This article uses exploration, documentation, interview, experiments and literature studies method. The result showed that Arfak tribal communities used the characteristics...

Author(s): Haryanto, Toto Nusantara, Subanji and Abadyo

April 2016

A study on reflection as a source of teacher development: Pre-service and experienced teachers

This study traces evidence of reflection in teacher education and teaching practice by measuring reflection of preservice teachers and experienced teachers and clarifying reflection-oriented reactions to possible confusions or problematic situations considering whether or not they are reflective practitioners. The data were collected from 514 volunteer preservice teachers and 466 experienced teachers teaching science,...

Author(s): Saziye Yaman 

April 2016

A study of democratic school culture perceptions of sport high school students

In this study; the perceptions of the students studying at sport high schools about democratic school culture were analysed in accordance with different variables. Participants of the research consisted of 216 students studying at Sport High Schools in Sakarya and Batman Provinces of Turkey. The data were collected with the Democratic School Culture Perception Scale (DSCPS). The estimated Cronbach Alpha reliability...

Author(s): Enes IÅžIKGÖZ

April 2016

Effects of using dynamic mathematics software on pre-service mathematics teachers’ spatial visualization skills: The case of spatial analytic geometry

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of using dynamic geometry software on pre-service mathematics teachers’ spatial visualization skills and to determine whether spatial visualization skills can be a predictor of success in learning analytic geometry of space. The study used a quasi-experimental design with a control group. There were 46 students in the experimental group and 48 students in...

Author(s): Temel Kösa

April 2016

High school students’ attitudes towards smart board use in Biology classes

The present study aimed at determining high school students’ attitudes towards smart board use in biology classes. The study was carried out using the survey model. The study group was made up of 200 high school students. As the data collection tool, the “Student Attitude Scale for Smart Board Use” developed by Elaziz was used. The reliability coefficient of the scale was 0.78, and it was calculated as...

Author(s): Ä°. Ümit YAPICI and  Ferit KARAKOYUN 

April 2016

Evaluation of the curriculum of English preparatory classes at Yildiz Technical University using CIPP model

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the instruction program of preparatory classes at Yıldız Technical University using CIPP model. A total of 54 teachers and 753 university students attending preparatory classes in the Academic Year of 2014-2015 formed the study group. The research is based on a questionnaire applied to teachers and students. For the analysis of the data, the means and the standard deviation...

Author(s): UÄŸur Akpur, Bülent Alcı and Hakan KarataÅŸ

April 2016

Interpersonal problem solving, self-compassion and personality traits in university students

The aim of this study was to investigate interpersonal problem solving in terms of self-compassion and personality traits. The participants were 570 (274 females and 296 males) who participated in the research voluntarily. The mean age of the participants was 21.54 years (between 17-32 years old) with a standard deviation of 2.68 years. Data were collected using Interpersonal Problem Solving Inventory, Adjective Based...

Author(s): Coskun Arslan 

April 2016

Predictors of academic procrastination and university life satisfaction among Turkish sport schools students

The purpose of this study was to examine the role of burnout, academic self-efficacy and academic success in predicting procrastination and university life satisfaction among sports schools students. The study sample comprised of 224 participants aged from 18 to 30 years with a mean age of 21.71 (SD=1.94) who were attending various departments of sport school in a public university.  A quantitative research survey...

Author(s): Kubilay Ocal

April 2016

The use of “ask, write, throw” technique as a writing skill practice when teaching Turkish as a foreign language

This investigation was done to explore the effectiveness of “Ask, write, throw” (AWT) technique in improving the writing skills of B2 level learners of Turkish as a foreign language compared to traditional teaching technique. To this end, 35 learners at similar levels were recruited. There were 18 learners in the AWT (experimental) group and 17 learners in the traditional technique (control) group. The...

Author(s): Nazife Burcu TAKIL