Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2014

Table of Content: 10 August, 2014; 9(15)

August 2014

A study on the efficacy of project-based learning approach on Social Studies Education: Conceptual achievement and academic motivation

In this research, an experimental study was carried out in social studies 4th grade students’ to develop students’ conceptual achievement and motivation to succeed academically. The study aims to investigate the effectiveness of project-based learning (PBL) in social studies. A quasi-experimental research design (pre-and posttest) was used in the research. While the experimental group of students received an...

Author(s): Ä°lhan Ilter

August 2014

Perceptions about forest schools: Encouraging and promoting Archimedes Forest Schools

The aim of this study was to find out parents’ and children’s perception of outdoor learning programmes with specific reference to Archimedes Forest Schools, known as Forest Schools. A review of existing research showed that there had been no rigorous evaluation of perception of forest schools. The study was conducted in the UK and mixed method design was used taking into account ethical reconsiderations....

Author(s): Haq Nawaz and Sarah Blackwell

August 2014

Effect of improvised instructional materials on students’ achievement in Geometry at the Upper Basic Education Level in Makurdi Metropolis, Benue State, Nigeria

Among all approaches aimed at reducing poor mathematics achievement among the students, adoption of appropriate methods of teaching appears to be more rewarding. In this study, improvised instructional materials were used to ascertain students’ geometry achievement at the upper basic education one. Two research questions were asked with associated two hypotheses tested at 0.05 level of significance. It adopted a...

Author(s): Iji C. O., Ogbole P. O. and Uka N. K.

August 2014

A discourse analysis: Professional identity development of language teacher candidates

Identity refers to all the characteristics that “specify who we are and also how we see other people” and is formed with the accumulation of our own experiences and those from social life with regard to certain roles like professional, political or parental roles. Some of the characteristics of identity that determine and describe professional part of identity are regarded as professional identity....

Author(s): Tahir Gur

August 2014

Legal and ethical issues of persons with special needs in Nigeria

Persons with special needs have innate abilities and when properly harnessed through proper education would be able to contribute ultimately to their development as well as that of the society they reside in terms of political, social, economic and technological development. Before such group of persons can be properly educated there is the dire need for the resolve of some ethical and legal issues. This paper...

Author(s): C. C. Asiwe and Odirin Omiegbe

August 2014

The views and suggestions of Social Studies teachers about the implementation of drama method

Associating knowledge with daily life leads to permanent knowledge, which increases students’ success in school. Drama is viewed to be one of the most effective methods that serves a purpose, and many researchers have determined that this method must be included at all levels of education. There are not much studies on social studies teachers’ knowledge, opinions and suggestions about drama method. Hence,...

Author(s): Celikkaya, Tekin

August 2014

A comparative study on American and Turkish students’ self esteem in terms of sport participation: A study on psychological health

The present research was conducted in order to compare self-esteem of American students with Turkish students in terms of the sport participation at the universities. For this purpose, a total of 460 students (Mage=19,61±1,64) voluntarily participated in the study from two universities. As data collection tool, Rosenberg (1965) Self-esteem Scale was used to determine scores of the self-esteem in relation to...

Author(s): Korkmaz YiÄŸiter