Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2017

Table of Content: 10 June, 2016; 11(11)

June 2016

Effect of Leadership Styles of School Principals on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors

The aim of this research is to investigate the relationship between the leadership styles of principals and organizational citizenship behaviors of teachers according to teachers' perceptions. In this research, a relational survey model was used. Data for the research were obtained from 1,723 teachers working in public and private schools which were subject to Ministry of National Education in the Kadikoy district...

Author(s): Ahmet AVCI

June 2016

Techniques use by Science, Technology and Mathematics (STM) teachers for controlling undesirable classroom behaviours in Anambra State secondary schools

This study investigated the techniques used by secondary school Science Technology and Mathematics (STM) teachers in controlling undesirable behaviours in their classrooms. It adopted descriptive survey design in which 178 Anambra State teachers teaching STM subjects in senior secondary were involved in the research. Two sections of questionnaire used for data collection were validated and coefficients of internal...

Author(s): Okigbo Ebele Chinelo and Okoli Josephine Nwanneka

June 2016

The effects of peer tutoring on university students' success, speaking skills and speech self-efficacy in the effective and good speech course

In this study, the effects of the use of peer tutoring in Effective and Good Speech Course on students' success, perception of speech self-efficacy and speaking skills were examined. The study, designed as a mixed pattern in which quantitative and qualitative research approaches were combined, was carried out together with 57 students in 2014 to 2015 Academic Year at Erzincan University. The 30 of the students were...

Author(s): Serap UZUNER YURT and Elif AKTAÅž

June 2016

Differences in meta-aesthetic consciousness in students taking fine arts, design and academy education

Meta-aesthetics is the aesthetic field relating to the images of products where the conversion value, separate from the product’s function, takes part directly in its value. Meta-aesthetics is among the subjects that today’s art and design world must address more sensitively. This study was based on a 2009 dissertation measuring university students’ awareness and understanding of meta-aesthetics. In...

Author(s): Eylem TataroÄŸlu

June 2016

An investigation on the effectiveness of chess training on creativity and theory of mind development at early childhood

In recent years, chess training is offered as a compulsory elective course in some pre-schools, whereas it is not offered in some other pre-schools. There are children who attend chess clubs outside of schools. Chess is considered to be a game of intelligence, and its effects on individuals have been the subject of many researches. This study was conducted to investigate whether chess training has any impacts on...

Author(s): Ayperi Dikici Sigirtmac

June 2016

Reasons for avoidance of vocational education in Jordan

The study aimed to identify the factors that lead students to avoid joining Vocational Education (VE) in Jordan. A pilot study was conducted, then a 39-item questionnaire was developed, and its validity and reliability were ensured. The reasons included were divided into personal, social, economic, educational and vocational domains. The questionnaire was administered to 1050 students of the 10th basic grade. Results...

Author(s): Mon’im A. Al-Saaideh