Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2018

Table of Content: 23 April, 2015; 10(8)

April 2015

A Scoping Review: Conceptualizations and Pedagogical Models of Learning in Nursing Simulation

Simulations have been implemented globally in nursing education for years with diverse conceptual foundations. The aim of this scoping review is to examine the literature regarding the conceptualizations of learning and pedagogical models in nursing simulations. A scoping review of peer-reviewed articles published between 2000 and 2013 was conducted. The primary search words were “nursing”,...

Author(s): Paula Poikela and Marianne Teräs

April 2015

Physical profiles of Turkish young Greco-Roman wrestlers

The aim of this study is to evaluate some physical properties of Turkish National Greco-Roman wrestlers and reveal the profile of Turkish Young National Greco-Roman athlete. A total of 48 male athletes who were from Turkish Young National Greco-Roman Wrestling Team participated in this study. This study was carried out at Wrestling Federation National Team Camp Centre on May, 2011. Before the research, all the required...

Author(s): Erkal ARSLANOÄžLU

April 2015

Self-efficacy of student teachers about teaching Turkish to foreigners course

This study explored the perceptions of student teachers about Teaching Turkish to Foreigners (TTF) course offered as a part of the Turkish teacher training program which aims to educate pre-service Turkish language teachers. In the study, both qualitative and quantitative data were collected through a questionnaire and interview from student teachers enrolled in Turkish language teacher training program at two state...

Author(s): Umit Yildiz

April 2015

An experimental study on effectiveness of Integrated Curriculum Model (ICM) in Social Studies education for gifted and talented learners

This experimental study examines the effects of Integrated Curriculum Model (ICM) on 4th grade elementary gifted and talented students’ academic achievement, creativity and critical thinking (Control Group N= 10, Experimental Group N= 11) in the social studies classroom context, in Istanbul, Turkey.  Integrated Curriculum Model was utilized to create a social studies curriculum unit named luckily it is...

Author(s): Özlem Atalay and Nihat Gürel Kahveci

April 2015

The competency of the post graduate teachers in appreciating English poetry

The Post Graduate Teachers who teach English as a second language to Higher  Secondary Classes that is 11th and 12th grades  need to cultivate a good sense of appreciation for poetry. They must have an inherent thirst for reading poetry aloud and competence to elucidate the essential characteristics of poetry. A study was launched to understand the level of appreciation of poetry of the Post Graduate Teachers...

Author(s): Rajendran Muthiah

April 2015

Content analysis of songs in elementary music textbooks in accordance with values education in Turkey

The aim of this study is to determine which values are included in education songs in elementary school textbooks and the level of these values. This study, conducted using document analysis method, involved primary education music class textbooks. Education songs in textbooks were analyzed within the frame of 29 values determined based on literature research. Two charts have been created in order to determine the...

Author(s): Begüm Yalçınkaya

April 2015

War and peace in the pictures drawn by the students of a fine arts high school

This study aims to identify high school students' perception of war and peace. Therefore, the students were asked to draw pictures depicting war and peace. The study was conducted at a Fine Arts High School. This study is a qualitative research. According to the assessments made on the results of the study, the students drew pictures containing national and universal motifs. The pictures based on national motifs...

Author(s): AKTAÅž Özgür

April 2015

The arrangement of students’ extracurricular piano practice process with the asynchronous distance piano teaching method

That the students do their extracurricular piano practices in the direction of the teacher’s warnings is a key factor in achieving success in the teaching- learning process. However, the teachers cannot adequately control the students’ extracurricular practices in the process of traditional piano education. Under the influence of this lack of control, the students who do their extracurricular practices...

Author(s): Ahmet Suat KARAHAN

April 2015

How should an efficient oral history interview process be conducted according to the views of pre-service teachers?

Oral history is a type of history arising from using the memories of people and listening to what they narrate. Oral history is a kind of history established around people. It introduces life into the history, and extends its scope. It selects its heroes among the majority of people who have not been known up to that time not only among the leaders. Oral history that has gradually gained importance in academic history...

Author(s): Yasin DOGAN

April 2015

A qualitatıve study to understand the social and emotıonal needs of the gıfted adolescents, who attend the scıence and arts centers in Turkey

Considering all areas of development in education is a key to fulfill the needs of gifted students. This study which was based on qualitative[LM1]  methods aimed to find out the emotional and social needs of the adolescents who attended the Antalya Science and Arts Center (Bilim ve Sanat Egitim Merkezi - BILSEM[LM2] ) to develop new ways to help these students. The study was held with the student and teacher...

Author(s): Defne Yılmaz

April 2015

The attitudes of the final students of Technical Education Faculty at Kocaeli University towards their faculty's closing down

The purpose of the research is to identify the attitudes of the students at Kocaeli University towards closing down of Technical Education Faculty. These faculties were decided to be closed down in 2009. Since then, both the students and the instructors have been in ambiguity about their future careers. This situation has also affected them emotionally. That is why, the students attitudes towards their faculties,...

Author(s): Nejat Ä°ra

April 2015

Determinants of children’s schooling: The case of Tigray Region, Ethiopia

We analyze the determinants of educational outcomes of primary school children in Tigray region of Ethiopia using a survey data gathered from four villages in 2013. Four different measures of schooling were used to examine the impact of household and child-specific factors. First, we examine the determinants of school attendance (ever-attendance, current enrollment) using probit[W1]  model. We then analyze...

Author(s): Jemal Abafita and Chang-Soo Kim,

April 2015

Positive and negative aspects of using social networks in higher education: A focus group study

Social Networking Sites (SNS) have become popular among students and faculties, especially for all young population. SNSs are a relatively new technology, and little research has been conducted on the beliefs of the teacher candidates about using Social Network as an instructional tool. The study was conducted to find out for what purposes prospective teachers usually use SNSs in their daily lives, which learning...

Author(s): Ömer Faruk VURAL

April 2015

Development of an Instrument to measure students’attitudes towards piano practice

Practicing the piano is a systematic part of the instrument-learning process. It contains all development practices from the analysis of the work to the improvement of performance. Students usually practice the piano as a preparation for performing in courses, exams, or on stage and they do it individually. The mentality which emerges during the piano practicing process can be a significant determinant on the result...

Author(s): Mehmet Serkan Umuzdas

April 2015

A relative investigation on purposes of computer and internet use of prospective geography teachers in Turkey and China

This study investigated Chinese and Turkish prospective geography teachers’ use of computer and internet applications as indispensable instruments in and out of education. 292 prospective geography teachers students from Shanghai, China, and Izmir, Turkey, participated in this study. The aim of this study was to examine the use of computers and internet by prospective teachers in both Turkey and China. Hence, this...

Author(s): Ilhan TURAN

April 2015

The effect of special teaching methods class on the level of teachers’ self-efficacy perception of pre-service teacher

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the change in the level of teachers’ self-efficacy perception of primary school Social Studies pre-service teachers who take the special teaching methods class. Single group pretest-posttest model from pre-experimental patterns was applied in the research. The study group of the research consisted of 59 students in third year in the spring semester of 2012-2013 Academic...

Author(s): Meltem GÖKDAÄž BALTAOÄžLU

April 2015

The effect of differentiation approach developed on creativity of gifted students: cognitive and affective factors

The aim of the study is to develop a differentiation approach for the mathematics education of gifted middle school students and to determine the effect of the differentiation approach on creative thinking skills of gifted students based on both cognitive and affective factors. In this context, the answer to the following question was searched: “Is there any effect of the differentiation approach developed based...

Author(s): Esra ALTINTAS and Ahmet Åž. ÖZDEMÄ°R

April 2015

Teachers’ perceptions regarding mobbing at schools

The aim of the study is to determine whether there are mobbing applications at schools and if so, at which level and between whom. The Mobbing Perception Scale is applied, based on Leymann’s (1993), Mobbing Typology, and developed by Yavuz (2007), to 154 teachers at 5 selected schools in Ankara for the purpose of the study. According to the teachers’ perceptions obtained from the questionnaire, the findings...

Author(s): Murat Gürkan Gülcan

April 2015

Listeners' behaviors that increase the effectiveness of lecturers

The attention and interest of listener increase the motivation and performance of the lecturer. Thus, the lecturer becomes more lively, energetic and productive during his/her presentation. Especially in the educational environments, the students, who are the listener in the classroom atmosphere, have some influences over the teachers. The aim of this study is to identify the behaviors of the students on how that...

Author(s): Selim EMÄ°ROGLU

April 2015

Individuals with mental retardation from the perspective of Turkish people

This descriptive study examined the attitude of Turkish people towards the mentally retarded. The working group was composed of 329 male and female staff in various places of employment in EskiÅŸehir provincial center, 87 non-working women living in EskiÅŸehir provincial center and 49 non-working women living in MuÄŸla provincial center. Research data were collected with the help of a survey which was developed by the...

Author(s): Nevin GÜNER YILDIZ

April 2015

Values Education in Ottoman Empire in the Second Constitutional Period: A Sample Lesson

Values education holds a significant place in an education environment and many studies are carried out about this new subject area. The aim of this study is to define how the subject of ‘values education’ is handled in a sample lesson designed in the period of Constitution II in the Ottoman Empire. In this study, the lesson plan in the Journal of Primary Education (Tedrisat-ı Ä°btidaiye Mecmuası)...

Author(s): Oruc, Sahin and Ilhan, Genc Osman

April 2015

Selection, placement and ınstatement of school managers in Turkey: Evaluation of the current situation

The aim of this study is to evaluate the new regulations and current practices in terms of how they apply- to the selection, training and instatement of school administrators in Turkey. The successful implementation of Turkish National Development Plans is closely related to the knowledge and skills of managers working at various levels in every part of Turkish society. The success of government iniatives in all areas...

Author(s): Salih Pasa Memisoglu

April 2015

The effect of pedagogical training on prospective teachers’ critical thinking skills

In a learning process, where an individual is in the centre, has access to information and makes research by himself/herself, the success rate is higher. Individuals’ activities such as searching for knowledge, making research and using information in new applications are included in “Critical Thinking”. In this context, this study aims to determine the effect of pedagogical training on the critical...

Author(s): Veli Batdı

April 2015

Current piano education of Turkish Music teacher candidates: Comparisons of Instructors and Students Perceptions

In recent years almost every newly opened government funded university in Turkey has established a music department where future music teachers are educated and piano is compulsory for every single music teacher candidate in Turkey. The aim of this research is to compare piano teaching instructors’ and their students’ perceptions about the current piano education of Turkish music teacher candidates....

Author(s): Birsen JELEN

April 2015

An examination of pre-service history teachers’ metaphors regarding the concept of “freedom”

The purpose of this research study is to examine the metaphors generated by pre-service history teachers regarding the concept of freedom. Qualitative method is used in the research study and phenomenology is utilized as a research design.  Semi-structured forms are used as a data collection tool in the study. Each pre-service history teacher is asked to complete the sentence in the forms beginning as...

Author(s): Aydin GUVEN

April 2015

Analyzing the relationship between prospective teachers’ educational philosophies and their teaching-learning approaches

The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship between prospective teachers’ educational philosophies and their teaching-learning approaches. The research is a correlational study and a survey model. The working group of the research consists of 328 prospective teachers who received pedagogical formation at Balıkesir University/Turkey in 2013-2014 summer semester. Data were collected through...

Author(s): Hasan Hüseyin Åžahan and Ali Rıza Terzi

April 2015

An attitude scale on individual instrument and individual instrument course: Validity-reliability research

The main purpose of this study is to develop a scale to determine students’ attitude levels on individual instruments and individual instrument courses in instrument training, which is an important dimension of music education, and to conduct a validity-reliability research of the scale that has been developed. The scale consists of 16 items. The validity-reliability research of the scale has been done on...

Author(s): Hayrettin Onur Kuçukosmanoglu

April 2015

Teaching local history using social studies models for Turkish middle school students

Local history teaching provides students the opportunity to gain first-hand experience by improving awareness of history. Students having active communication with their neighbourhood are given the opportunity to learn about themselves and their past, words and concepts about the past and they can make easier connection between history and other disciplines. The students perceive differences in approaching information...

Author(s): Karadeniz Oguzhan

April 2015

Changing paradigms in general music education

In Turkey, part of general music education in primary schools is music lessons, which are taught by primary school teachers for grades 1–4 and music teachers for grades 5–8. In the 21st century, the music education approach in schools has shifted from “school music” to “music in the school." This orientation is directly related to exploring learning theories that can be applied during...

Author(s): Ä°lhan ÖZGÜL

April 2015

Examination of students’ digital gaming habits at secondary school level in Elazig Province of Turkey

In this study, the opinions of the secondary school students on digital games were examined. The research is a screening model research and has a descriptive feature. It was carried out with 521 secondary school students in Elazığ (a province in eastern part of Turkey) [MSS1] in 2013. Almost all of the participants use computer. More than half of them have computers and internet connection in their houses. It was...

Author(s): Tel Mikail