Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2018

Table of Content: 23 September, 2017; 12(18)

September 2017

Effect of pop music on students’ attitudes to music lessons

This study aims to identify whether the use of popular music in teaching song creates a significant difference in attitudes of middle school students to music lessons. “Pretest-posttest design” from experimental models was used. The experimental and control groups consists of 8 classes of continuing education from four different middle schools in Burdur province which were selected randomly. The music lesson...

Author(s): Gökhan Özdemir and M. Can Çiftçibaşı

September 2017

The effect of healthcare transformatıon ın a Turkısh medıcal school

In Turkey there are 83 medical schools and the oldest six are regarded as the best institutions. Marmara University School of Medicine (MUSM) is one of the 6 leading institutions. MUSM Hospital was delivered to Turkish Ministry of Health (TMoH) for its operational management in 2010. In this study, we aim to assess the current status and trend of productivity and attractiveness of MUSM, by comparing them to other...

Author(s): Ahmet O. Aktan and Bahadir M. Gulluoglu

September 2017

Analysis of dream in Gholamhossein Sā'edi's short stories: A model for dream analysis in literary works

Gholam Hussein Sā'edi is one of the greatest Iranian writers of short stories in the present era. Sā'edi’s stories are based on the existence of fanciful and dreamlike settings in which he attempts to establish the endings of the stories to be the direct result of the characters' psychological reaction against their dreams. The linguistic and psychological analyses of the stories show that dreams...

Author(s): Hassan Veskari, Shokrollah Pouralkhas, Ramin Moharrami and Ebrahim Ranjbar

September 2017

The predictive power of adult attachment patterns on interpersonal cognitive distortions of University Students

The purpose of this study is to determine the explanatory power of the anxious and avoidant dimensions of attachment to explain the interpersonal cognitive distortions. The research was conducted on correlational pattern, one of the quantitative research models. A total of 413 volunteer undergraduates students, from Selçuk University were research samples. Interpersonal Cognitive Distortions Scale (ICDS),...

Author(s): Hatice Deveci Åžirin

September 2017

The effectiveness of using group story-mapping strategy to improve reading comprehension of students with learning disabilities

The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of using group story-mapping of English as a second language (ESL) on students with learning disability while reading comprehension. The researcher focused on a specific graphic organizer in this study, called group story-mapping. This strategy required students with learning disabilities involving reading comprehension to identify the five main areas for...

Author(s): Nada Alturki

September 2017

Value tendency differences between pre-service social studies teachers within the scope of the East and the West

This study aims to comparatively examine the values that the students of the Department of Social Studies in Education Faculty at two universities located in the Eastern and Western parts of Turkey desire to find in people they interact with. Multiple methods, including quantitative and qualitative methods, were used in this study. The research was first shaped through content analysis method based on the qualitative...

Author(s): Ahmed Emin OsmanoÄŸlu

September 2017

Effects of family educational background, dwelling and parenting style on students’ academic achievement: The case of secondary schools in Bahir Dar

This study predominantly focuses on investigating the respective impacts of family educational background, dwelling background and parenting styles on students’ overall academic performance with respect to governmental secondary schools in Bahir Dar town, Ethiopia. A descriptive survey method was employed. ’A 42-item questionnaire was constructed and pilot tested. The computed reliability coefficient was...

Author(s): Melaku Anteneh Mekonnen