How to cite this article
Atoun, C. E. H., Attikleme, Y. O. A., Agbodjogbe, B., Dossou, W., Attiklemé, K., Kpazaï, G. (2024). The necessity for note-taking during teaching-learning process in Sports and Physical Education. Educational Research and Reviews, 19(6), 84-94.
Chicago /
Carlos Emery Hyacinthe Atoun, Yaovi Olivier Audrey Attikleme, Basile Agbodjogbe, Wilson Dossou, Kossivi Attiklem&e, Georges Kpazaï. "The necessity for note-taking during teaching-learning process in Sports and Physical Education." Educational Research and Reviews 19, no. 6 (2024): 84-94.
Carlos Emery Hyacinthe Atoun, et al. "The necessity for note-taking during teaching-learning process in Sports and Physical Education." Educational Research and Reviews 19.6 (2024): 84-94.