Full Length Research Paper
In the last decades of 20th century and at the beginning of 3rd millennium, different researches suggested that, IQ is not the only factor of managers “success and performance improvement, but also there is another factor called emotional intelligence that results in outstanding performance at work. Emotional intelligence (EI), at the most general level, refers to the capability to recognize and regulate emotions in ourselves and in others. The aims of this study are to determine possible relationship between faculty’s social competencies and their academic performance, and also to identify the role of the universities quality working life as a mediating variable. The research sample involves 896 respondents that were selected by a stratified random sampling. This study is a field study of real organizations rather than an artificial setting. The results of regression analysis indicate that the social competencies elements are significantly associated with the level of faculties' academic performance. The results of hierarchical regression analysis indicate that the extent of universities 'quality working life is able to significantly change the total variations in the academic performance explained by social competencies elements.
Key words: Emotional intelligence, social-awareness, relationship management, academic performance, quality working life.
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