International Journal of
Educational Administration and Policy Studies

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Educ. Admin. Pol. Stud.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-6656
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJEAPS
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 245

Table of Content: September 2014; 6(7)

September 2014

Assessment of instructional and administrative strategies applied by principals to improve academic performance

  The study is based on the assessment of instructional and administrative strategies applied by principals to improve academic performance of students in schools. This simply means that the individual talents of everyone in school needs to be maximized for the effective benefit of the school, students, parents, and the society at large. It is therefore obvious that principals should apply numerous...

Author(s): Agharuwhe A. Akiri

September 2014

Women aspiring to administrative positions in Kenya municipal primary schools

  Even though female teachers in Kenya municipal primary schools are majority and highly qualified, they fill fewer administrative positions than men. This study assesses the extent of women's participation in leadership positions, society's perception of female leaders, selection criteria of educational administrators, and barriers that affect or hinder them from participation in leadership positions....

Author(s): Victor F. O. Combat

September 2014

Orientation impact on performance of undergraduate students in University of Cape Coast (Ghana)

  Orientation is widely conceived to encompass activities that support the transition into educational institutions. The University of Cape Coast, Ghana places a premium on orientation for fresh year students and yet the impact of such programmes on students’ performance remains a difficult thing to determine. This study, therefore, focuses on finding out the impact of orientation on the academic...

Author(s): Georgina Asi Owusu, Millan Ahema Tawiah, Cynthia Sena-Kpeglo and Jeff Teye Onyame