Full Length Research Paper
In this paper, there were critical analyses of some selected editions of Christian Women Mirror magazine using the theoretical framework of Multimodal Discourse Analysis. The study is an exposé of Christians’ perception of the two concepts of death and judgement. We have carried out a Multimodal Discourse Analytical study of selected editions of Christian Women Mirror magazine that discuss the subjects of judgement and death. The analyses were in two parts. First, there was the analysis of the subjects covered and the semantic indicators lifted from the magazine; and second, there was the analysis of the visual components used in the discussion of these subjects. In all, the paper revealed the perception of Christians on the two subjects discussed. Contrary to popular beliefs that death ends it all as it terminates the whole existence of man, Christians hold that life continues after death. Death, to a Christian is just the beginning of another existence either in heaven or hell. They also believe that judgement comes after death. They also hold that the judgement is total and final and banishes sinners to hell forever while the righteous will go to heaven to enjoy bliss forever.
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