International Journal of
English and Literature

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. English Lit.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2626
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJEL
  • Start Year: 2010
  • Published Articles: 281


Another country not my own: Crossing disciplinary borders, forging alliances within the framework of a (communication across the curriculum) CAC initiative in the sciences

Ingrid McLaren
Department of Language, Linguistics and Philosophy, University of the West Indies, Jamaica
Email: [email protected]

  •  Accepted: 09 October 2010
  •  Published: 30 November 2010



This paper outlines within the framework of action research, the process of implementing a communication across the curriculum (CAC) programme in the Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences. It highlights the link between institutional context and the dialectical implications of merging the skills, agenda and focus of multidisciplinary teams while maintaining a balance of power. It is suggested that these challenges may be met by forging effective alliances with those who are intrinsically motivated to achieve a common goal, adopting a context driven rather than a norm driven approach and applying creativity and resourcefulness within this context. Guidance for similar undertakings is offered and the direction of future work is outlined. “I soon realized that no journey carries one far, unless, as it extends into the world around us, it goes an equal distance into the world within”-Lillian Smith


Key words: Communication across the curriculum (CAC), writing fellow (WF), writing across the curriculum (WAC), inter-disciplinary