International Journal of
English and Literature

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. English Lit.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2626
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJEL
  • Start Year: 2010
  • Published Articles: 281

Table of Content: August 2014; 5(6)

August 2014

Marxist Study of Miss Julie

Class stratification and efforts to bridge a gap between high and lower strata of society is among the chief aims of social Marxist writers. Strindberg's Miss Julie though labelled as a Naturalistic work possesses such strains of social Marxism and is to presented from this angle in this paper.   Key words: social Marxism, Class distinction in Miss Julie, bridging the gulf between two classes.

Author(s): Hasan Huma

August 2014

Background of French revolution in Dickens’s ‘A Tale of Two Cities

Charles Dickens (1812 to 1870) is a foremost representative novelist of the Victorian era, a great story-teller and social reformer. A Tale of Two Cities has always been one of his most popular and best-loved novels. It is the second attempt on historical fiction by Dickens and French Revolution is his subject. Always interested in the interaction between individuals and society, Dickens was particularly inspired by...

Author(s): Saravanan Sarpparaje

August 2014

Phonological features of Basilectal Philippine English: An exploratory study

This paper attempts to describe the result of a data-based investigation of the phonology of the Basilectal Philippine English as a response to Tupaz’ (2004) challenge to conduct Philippine English studies that would describe not only the “educated English” (the acrolect and mesolect speakers), but the “linguistic practices of genuinely marginalized voices (the basilect speakers) in Philippine...

Author(s): Eden Regala-Flores

August 2014

Use of media as an instructional tool in English Language Teaching (ELT) at undergraduate level

The present scholar’s experiments in the class room related to the media using the print media while teaching English at the undergraduate level and the students’ enthusiastic response has been the source of inspiration for the present paper.  Here is an effort to concretize unplanned language teaching experiment into a well planned, syllabus-oriented and academically productive package. Key words:...

Author(s): Bolla Mallikharjuna Rao