International Journal of
English and Literature

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. English Lit.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2626
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJEL
  • Start Year: 2010
  • Published Articles: 281

Table of Content: November 2013; 4(9)

November 2013

Isolation in Eudora Welty’s "A Curtain of Green"

  Eudora Welty was a product of the South America’s rich oral tradition. She was a brilliant and gifted story teller. Her most celebrated medium was the short story, and her main subject was the family, though she personally never married. The present paper presents Welty’s association with her native state in South America, which reflected in her all writings – a brief summary of the short...

Author(s): Kilari Chandrasekhar

November 2013

Social realism in the novels of Kamala Markandaya with special reference to Nectar in a Sieve, Possession and a Handful of Rice

    The term ‘Realism’ in art or literature refers to the presentation of things accurately in real life. Authors use their own style in presenting things that happen accurately in art and add moral values to their presentation. Many writers such as Bhabini Bhattachariya, R.K.Narayan and Ruth Prawar Jhabvala have presented realism in their fictions. Like Kamala Markandaya, the other writers...

Author(s): Banumathe Balan

November 2013

Anita Desai’s ‘In Custody’ in a maze of existentialism

  Existentialism garnered by a sense of alienation is the forte of Anita Desai. This paper titled ‘Anita Desai’s “In Custody” in a Maze of Existentialism’ shows the tumultuous pathos that fitted the subaltern existential struggles engulfing the life of Deven in In Custody. The crux of the problem is the existential absurdity, a sense of disorientation and confusion in the face...

Author(s): Anwesha Roy Chaudhury

November 2013

A celebration of humanity: The ethical and the ethereal aspects of Hemingway’s “The Old Man and the Sea”

  Two dimensions: the religious (which is given a subordinate position to the latter) and the humanistic are taken into consideration and intertwined in such a way so as to make the possible ends meet as in embracing a horizon and at the same time there has been drawn a fine line of exactitude and distinction as in ratio-cination.   Key words: Religious, humanistic, intertwined, horizon,...

Author(s): Puja Chakraberty

November 2013

The strategies of autobiography to answer the interview question, ‘Tell Me About You?’

  The personal justification questions like ‘tell me about you’, ‘what motivates you?’, ‘what have you done recently to develop yourself?’, ‘what kind of salary are you after?’ are some of the questions asked in interview to confirm the candidate’s suitability for the particular post. This question may be asked in the beginning of the interview in which the...

Author(s): Edwin Jeevaraj

November 2013

Iqbal and Nietzsche: Perfect man versus Superman

  This paper tries to bring nothing but the fact that Nietzsche’s Superman (ubermench) was in no way Iqbal’s Perfect Man, for Iqbal himself acknowledges it a number of times that he was influenced by Nietzsche’s philosophy, which according to him was very near to Islam. He says even at that and though he being an atheist, he felt his heart is a believer, even if his mind is an...

Author(s): Bilquees Dar R.