International Journal of
English and Literature

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. English Lit.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2626
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJEL
  • Start Year: 2010
  • Published Articles: 281

Table of Content: October 2014; 5(8)

October 2014

Speciality of Ruskin Bond’s Writings

Ruskin Bond is considered to be an icon among Indian writers and children’s authors. He was awarded the Padma Shri in 1999 for contributions to children’s literature. Ruskin Bond was born towards the end of the British Raj. a somewhat lonely childhood, marked by his parents’ divorce and his mother’s remarriage.  India gets an exquisite reflection in his stores. This paper intends...

Author(s): Latha K. Reddy

October 2014

Which change, what change? Glamourising social misfits in selected Nigerian home movies

Nigeria is Africa's most populous nation with a vibrant emerging theatre culture; the home movies. Currently, Nigeria is ranked the second largest producer of films in the world. Nollywood, as the home movies industry is called, has produced films in their thousands reflecting various aspects of the Nigerian culture and tradition. Prominent amongst such pre-occupations of directors and producers of Nollywood is the...

Author(s): Emmy Unuja Idegu

October 2014

"Grief for what is human, grief for what is not": An Ecofeminist Insight into the Poetry of Lucille Clifton

This paper seeks to present an understanding of Lucille Clifton's poetry through the theory of ecofeminism that finds a connection between the exploitation of nature and the oppression of women. According to ecofeminists, among all the human groups threatened by the devastation of the environment, women in particular are exposed to the greatest dangers. This can be seen in the births of deformed babies, miscarriages...

Author(s): Abdel Mohsen Ibrahim Hashim

October 2014

“Representing the African cultrure in Buchi Emecheta’s The Bride Price- A Study."

The social institution of marriage and the culture of paying bride price are interlinked and form an important part in the lives of African men and women. Like other communities, the African society has its own series of events that take place before and after marriage such as the hunting of bride by going to the prospective bride’s hut before marriage and the inheritance of a widow and her family by the...

Author(s): G. Sankar and T. Rajeshkannan

October 2014

The exuberance of immigration: The immigrant woman in Bharati Mukherjee’s

South Asian women and in this context Indian women have always suffered subjugation and rejection in a chauvinistic society restricting them to a life of domesticity. However, by migrating to a foreign country as spouses and participating in the labour market to get education and to live for their children, women migrants experienced social and emotional emancipation and financial independence for the first time. This...

Author(s): Debadrita Chakraborty

October 2014

(Re) writing postcolonial Bildungsroman in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus

The paper will explore what is Bildungsroman and its history and how this genre has been tackled distinctively by the third generation African woman novelists. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is unique in using the genre Bildungsroman. The political- historical background of the text Purple Hibiscus will be focused on as well as the development of the protagonist Kambili both physically and psychologically in each stage of the...

Author(s): Nilima Meher

October 2014

"Twenty-first Century English Poetry towards Mantric Planes of Consciousness"

Sri Aurobindo, a man of the supramental plane of consciousness has found ‘Mantra’ to be the future of Poetry, the poetry which expresses the deepest spiritual reality. He discovers that poetry written from some higher plane of, what he calls, the Intuitive Mind Consciousness and Over mind Consciousness, the two uppermost planes of spiritual consciousness on the plane of Mind is the Mantra. Since man is yet...

Author(s): Nikhil Kumar

October 2014

Politics of religion in partition novels: Rahi Masoom Reza’s Adha Gaon and Khushwant Singh’s Train to Pakistan

People have moved many a times from one place to another. Ideally such movements should be voluntary but it is not always so. There are several instances, in the history of mankind, of mass migrations to escape perceived prosecutions on the name of racial/ ethnic cleansing, political strategies etc. A few of these experiences, especially of the modern times, are well-documented and attracted people with the human...

Author(s): Raichura Komal