International Journal of
Fisheries and Aquaculture

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Fish. Aquac.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9839
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJFA
  • Start Year: 2010
  • Published Articles: 235

Table of Content: June 2014; 6(6)

June 2014

Multiple infections of Helminths in the alimentary system of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) in a tropical reservoir

The study was carried out in Erinle Reservoir accessed through Oore (Latitude 7° 58' 12" North; Longitude 4º 33' 36" East), in Osun State, Nigeria, between August 2011 and November 2013. A total of 103 live fishes purchased from local fishermen were examined. In the laboratory, morphometric parameters  were measured, the sexes determined and the fish species Clarias gariepinus were...

Author(s): Ajala, O. Olumuyiwa and Fawole, O. Olatunde

June 2014

Developmental changes in intestinal brush border enzyme activity in wild, juvenile Nile perch Lates niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758)

The Nile perch, Lates niloticus is a carnivorous fish and a potential candidate for aquaculture. The relationship between fish size (total length) and the activity of three brush border enzymes: leucine aminopeptidase (LAP), γ-glutamyl transferase (γ-GT) and maltase was evaluated in six size groups (1 to 5, 6 to 10, 11 to 15, 16 to 20, 21 to 25 and 26 to 30 cm) of wild juvenile Nile perch. Enzymatic activity...

Author(s): Kato C. D., Nyatia E., Matovu E., Uni Z., Kedar O., Hakim Y., Levavi-Sivan B. and Rutaisire J.