Full Length Research Paper
For the University of Cape Coast first-year students, research is an important step in determining the knowledge that best suits their needs. This study investigated the purpose of searching for information, major sources of information, information search strategies, and the challenges in information search, using the quantitative descriptive survey design. The sample size was 486, with 48.8% of the respondents aged between 21 to 30. Firstly, the results indicated that the main purpose of searching for information was ‘knowledge enables a student to articulate a current theory in their own words’. Secondly, Google was the major source of obtaining information for students. Thirdly, students indicated that the main method used for information search was through browsing the internet. Lastly, low internet speed was identified as the major challenge to information seeking by students at the University of Cape Coast. The Internet of Things has made information access easier for students. Libraries are also essential sources of information that can help students make independent choices, take personal and group actions, write down ideas in different ways, and solve academic, socio-economic, and political challenges. To enhance group discussions and knowledge exchange, the Sam Jonah Library of the University of Cape Coast should provide adequate information sources through the use of Knowledge Commons, Social Learning Commons, and Development Information Commons.
Keywords: Information search, Information sources, Methods, Challenges, University of Cape Coast.
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