International Journal of
Library and Information Science

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Lib. Inf. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2537
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJLIS
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 247

Table of Content: June 2013; 5(5)

June 2013

Library software products in Nigeria: A survey of uses and assessment

  There is an eagerness on the part of librarians and libraries in Nigeria to shift from traditional methods of information representation to modern information technologies. This has led to the influx of various library software into the ICT market to drive automation needs of libraries. There is the need, however, for quality and reliable software that can effectively run on the operating systems of computers...

Author(s): Ayodele Smart Obajemu, Joseph N. Osagie, Helen Olubunmi Jaiyeola Akinade and Felix C. Ekere

June 2013

Management problems of electronic information resources: A case study of UNN Library

  This study examined the problems encountered in managing electronic information resources (EIRs) in the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) Library System. Case study design was employed to achieve the research objectives. The population of the study consisted of 151 staff of the University library. Questionnaire was the main instrument used for data collection. Out of the 151 copies of the questionnaire...

Author(s): Cyprian I. Ugwu and D. C. Onyegiri

June 2013

A critical study of the library facilities provided by the private engineering colleges in Kolkata

  Research study encompasses the library facilities provided by the engineering colleges to its stakeholders. To pursue this study, combination of methods was adopted step by step. The survey method was employed to collect the required data. A structured questionnaire was prepared and a sample study has been done for this purpose.Besides these, relevant data are collected from observation of...

Author(s): Sambhu Nath Halder and Suvra Chandra

June 2013

Provision of consumer health information: A case of Kenya Medical Training College and Provincial General Hospital, Nakuru County, Kenya

  Debates on health information provision challenges resulting from rapid changes in information service access and use have moved from the global sphere to the local scene. This has negatively affected the ways in which librarians provide information to the public. Librarians are exposed to use of unauthoritative and inaccurate information, leading to serious health problems. Because of Librarians’...

Author(s): Jotham Milimo Wasike and Anne Tenya

June 2013

Effects of career progression, work motivation and leadership styles on job satisfaction of library personnel in the Federal Civil Service of Nigeria

  The study examines effects of career progression, work motivation and leadership styles on job satisfaction of library personnel in the Federal Civil Service of Nigeria. Total enumeration technique together with questionnaire was used to collect data from 450 library personnel in the Federal Civil Service in Nigeria, out of which 426 responded.  The copies of the questionnaire were found usable for...

Author(s): Adebayo Olufemi Fanimehin and S.O. Popoola