International Journal of
Library and Information Science

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Lib. Inf. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2537
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJLIS
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 247

Table of Content: October 2010; 2(7)

October 2010

Software reverse engineering process: Factors, elements and features

  The reverse engineering presents the system artifacts at higher levels of abstraction for maintenance activities. This paper presents an overview of the case studies on various types of existing software system to recover the different artifacts existing at implementation, structural, functional and domain levels. As a result of these case studies; the factors on which reverse engineering process depends,...

Author(s): Nadim Asif

October 2010

Serials acquisition problems in Nigerian Federal University Libraries

  The study sought to identify acquisition activities and problems in university libraries of southern Nigeria. 58 serials staff were sampled randomly from the 13 federal university libraries in southern Nigeria. A self designed questionnaire made of 7 items was distributed to the sampled staff. A total of 48 (82.7%) of the questionnaire were returned. Data was collated and analyzed using statistical package...

Author(s): Chinwe V. Anunobi, Obinna P. Nwakwuo and Victoria O. Ezejiofor

October 2010

Automation and problems in their implementation: An investigation of special libraries in Indore, India

  The study was carried out to know the status of library automation and problems in their implementation in special libraries of Indore city, Madhya Pradesh. It discusses automation, its need, and application in special libraries. The study explained the various problems faced by authorities and the staff during the process of automation. The tool adopted to conduct the study is a well structured...

Author(s): P. S. Rajput and J. N. Gautam