International Journal of
Medicine and Medical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Med. Med. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9723
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJMMS
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 536

Article in Press

Assessment of Traditional Practices of Healers in Treating Human Illness in Shashamene town in Ethiopia

Tegegne Bayih1⁎ and Abduselam Usman

  •  Received: 02 June 2018
  •  Accepted: 26 June 2018
The study was conducted to investigate the traditional practices in the usage of medicinal plants to protect commonly occurring human diseases in shashamene town in Ethiopia. 41 respondents were randomly selected for questionnaire evaluation and healers were used for secondary data source as they had indigenous knowledge. Around the study area, about 75 plant species were found. A number of botanicals have been used by people where the study was conducted and the respondents said that mostly, those medicinal plants were crushed and taken orally to minimize the headache, stomach pain, gastritis and diarrhea. Moreover, these botanicals were traditionally accepted to be taken as an alternative to be treated from different infectious diseases. Mostly, the leaves of medicinal plants were used for traditional treatment as it is simple to be used either in the form of crushed powder or can be directly chewed. In the present study, herbs were mostly used for traditional treatments as compared with small and large trees. Healers were people who had indigenous knowledge or they were experienced to select traditional medicinal plants from their natural habit; additionally, they were recognized by local people as traditional doctor who can give the appropriate treatment for commonly occurring infections among people.

Keywords: Healers; illness; Medicinal plant; Traditional practices; Indigenous Knowledge