With increasing age, emerging physical health problems can cause significant changes in the woman’s lifestyle, leading to social withdrawal, avoidance and curtailment of physical activity. Menopause is the stoppage of menstruation for at least 6 months after the age of 40 years. Menopause normally occur between the 45-50 years. Menopause before 40 years of age is known as premature Menopause and after 50 years as delayed Menopause. It is accompanied by various body changes & deleterious health effects which can be better managed by life style changes and hormonal therapy is required. A quantitative research approach and descriptive comparative design was adopted to conduct the study. Purposive Sampling technique was used to select 200 menopausal women 100 from rural area and 100 women from urban area. Structured interview schedule and five pointed scale (Likert scale) was used to assess the knowledge and attitude regarding menopause among rural and urban women. Analysis of data collection was done in accordance with objectives of the study. The data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistic. The findings revealed that there was significant difference between the knowledge score of rural and urban women regarding menopause (p<0.005). The findings showed that there was significant difference between the mean attitude score regarding menopause(p<0.005).The findings revealed that there was significant difference between mean knowledge score and mean attitude score of rural and urban women (p<0.005). Significant association was observed between knowledge and demographic variables e.g. Religion, education, occupation, monthly income, menopausal status, HRT experience. And the result showed that there was significant association between attitude and socio demographic variables e.g. Education, participation in exercise.