Full Length Research Paper
The objective of this study is to assess road traffic accident based on human security perspective. In this study, an attempt is made to analyze the causes, contributing and determinant factors, and effects of road traffic accident with regard to it’s over all linkage with human security. The study tried to explore how road traffic accident is a human security threat in the contemporary world. Methodologically, this study employed descriptive qualitative approach. Relevant data were collected from secondary sources such as academic literatures, reports, and policy and research documents. The finding of the study revealed that multiple factors contributed for the incidence of road traffic accidents mainly the human factors (road users’ error), environmental factors, and vehicle defect factors. The study found that road traffic accident is a human security threat with multifaceted effects on the economy of households and the national economies of states especially in the developing countries. It has negative effect on food security, which affects access to basic food; on the health security, which could cause of mortality, illness (pain and grief and suffer) and disability; on the physical security or safety of the individuals and on the social interactions of victims and their families. The study concludes that road traffic accidents have multifaceted effects on human security and little attention is given to the problem, despite the fact that the increase of road crashes from time to time especially in developing countries of the world.
Key words: Road traffic accident, human security, threat.
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