July 2011
Integrating women and gender issues in peace development
The last couple of decades have witnessed great changes in the nature of conflict globally. Consequently, the scope of peacekeeping and development operations have widened considerably. The mandates now cover a vast variety of responsibilities, such as promoting human security, supporting power-sharing arrangements and elections, strengthening the rule of law, monitoring respect of human rights and promoting...
July 2011
Fiscal regulation and expenditure pattern in Maharashtra State
The Fiscal Responsibility and Budgetary Management Act of 2004 has improved state finances of Maharashtra, India. It has also reduced fiscal deficit for the state. The sources of income from various state own tax revenue have increased except other taxes on income and expenditure. There is further scope for improving sources of state own tax revenue. After the FRBM Act, the development expenditure on...
July 2011
Effects of cognitive restructuring and communication skills training on conflict resolution among Nigerian couples
The study investigated “Effects of cognitive restructuring skills training (CRT) and communication skills training (CST) on conflict resolution among Nigerian couples. Two behavioural techniques, CRT and CST, and a combination of the two techniques were used on conflicting subjects who had marital problems in Aba metropolitan city of Abia State, Nigeria. The study employed a 4 × 2 factorial design...