October 2012
Post-conflict operations of local governments in dispute resolution in Northern Uganda
Conflicts destroy the social fabric of communities by reducing the ability of people to trust their government and their neighbors. In situations where the conflict has been sustained over decades, as in Northern Uganda, basic levels of trust between individuals, between communities and towards the government have been severely fractured. In the post-conflict period one of the crucial tasks towards providing...
October 2012
The nexus between labor reallocation and sectoral productivities in Pakistan: 1980 to 2007
This paper empirically studies the labor allocation between rural and urban sectors due to economic growth in one of the least developed economies, Pakistan. The paper adopts a time-series analysis from 1980 to 2007, to study the causal impact of sectoral productivities on labor reallocation among sectors. The results indicate that labor productivity in manufacturing induces labor mobility from agriculture to...