October 2013
An essay on the necessity for universal outlawing of use of force in the 21st century
The essay addresses what is argued to be a pressing need for the introduction of binding law, applicable at all levels of human society, in the form of a ban on the use of force as a method of conflict resolution. It is envisaged that the proposed legal ban would operate at both the national and international levels and would be given the force of a peremptory norm or ius cogens, applicable to and...
October 2013
A review of trade liberalisation and trade between Jordan and the United States
Promoting trade is a key aspect of Jordan’s development policy. As a developing country, increasing exports and maintaining a healthy balance of trade with its trading partners are amongst the government’s most important goals. The Free Trade Agreement (FTA) signed with the United States in 2000 is a cornerstone of Jordan’s foreign economic policy and a key test case for its broader policy...