Full Length Research Paper
Empirical models to estimate global solar radiation require the development of a set of equations that relate it to other meteorological parameters and from the monthly average daily value of clearness index and relative sunshine spanning of a period of 5 years, the Angstrom- Prescott model was developed for the estimation of global solar radiation of Ijebu-Ode (Lat. 6.81â°N. Long. 3.92â°E), a tropical region of Southern part of Nigeria. Regression analysis was done based on the season of the year and the results obtained were compared. The predictive efficacy in terms of mean bias error (MBE) and root mean square error (RMSE) of the model are also tested. The developed correlation model is expressed as with the correlation coefficient of 89.13%. The result obtained therefore seems to point to the fact that the Angstrom – Prescott model is locally dependable and rainy season model was found to be more satisfactory for the study area with MBE of 0.052 and RMSE of 6.240X107
Key words: Clearness index, global solar radiation, model, rainy season
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