Full Length Research Paper
Many authors in the literature have worked on models for producing PV module performance, but the question of a climate-specific model is problematic. Some studies have shown more appropriate models for any PV module technology, while others have highlighted models that are more appropriate for a given climate. The aim of this work is to evaluate our model which is based on the I-V characteristic and their accuracy was assessed versus one-year of ground measurement from a system of PV module at different time resolutions. To predict the performance of PV modules in crystalline silicon in a sahelian climate in Senegal, the results obtained experimentally and those of the model were compared. The monthly nRMSE is 17.33% during the rainy season and 17.46% in dry season. There was a good correlation of the model, with a coefficient of 0.88 in January and 0.94 in September.
Key words: PV module, short-circuit current, open circuit-voltage, maximum power output, I-V curve.
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