Full Length Research Paper
Ionosphere region is the part of atmosphere layer where radio waves reflect for telecommunication. This is due to its composition in particles. Solar radiation hit particles in ionosphere. This phenomenon causes an ionization of particles in the ionosphere. According to the particles density in this region, radio waves emitted in telecommunication can pass through this region or be reflected. The ionization of ionosphere depends on solar cycle phase, season, and local time that are all closely linked to solar activity. Many models are developed to carry out ionosphere parameters. They are all focused to find a better approach of ionosphere behavior. The present study uses Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (TIEGCM) to investigate ionosphere region, during solar maximum and minimum phases. The critical frequency of F2-layer (foF2) and the total electron content (TEC) parameters are carried out by running the model. The values of the parameters are represented on a three-axis graph to give an overview of their time profiles. The seasonal and annual results obtained from this study show a good correlation between TIEGCM and International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model predictions in the same conditions. The study confirms that particles density in ionosphere behaves as an obstacle for waves transmission. During solar maximum, characterized by a high solar activity, ionization of ionosphere is higher than that at solar minimum. This is similar to what is observed between nighttime and daytime. The study also highlights the “winter anomaly” phenomenon.
Key words: Thermosphere-Ionosphere-electrodynamics general circulation model (TIEGCM), international reference ionosphere (IRI), solar cycle phase, solar activity, critical frequency of F2-layer (foF2), total electron content (TEC).
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