Full Length Research Paper
A structural evaluation of a post stack time migrated (PSTM) 3D seismic data over an X–Field in the eastern Niger Delta has been attempted. The objective of the study is to structurally evaluate the field with a view to identifying structural features such as faults, map geologic horizons and analyze reflection characteristics that might be a good lead to probable hydrocarbon accumulations. Results revealed that six growth faults (F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, and F6) and three seismic horizons (HI, H2 and H3) were delineated on the seismic section. F1, F2, F4, F5 and F6 are synthetic, while F3 is antithetic growth faults. The synthetic faults trend northeast-southwest and dips southwestward, while the antithetic fault trend northwest-southeast and dips southeastward. The seismic horizons are fault truncated with hanging wall/footwall fault assisted closures characterized by distinctive high amplitude reflection events. The horizons have good reflection continuity, moderate to strong reflection strength and medium to high amplitudes. These suggests wide spread and uniform deposition of clastic sediments with thick sand facies and inter-bedding shales, which is the characteristic of a hydrocarbon reservoir in the Niger Delta basin. The potential for hydrocarbons is high in this prospect field based on our preliminary study, which could be explored.
Key words: Growth faults, seismic horizons, fault closures, post stack time migrated (PSTM) 3D seismic data.
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