July 2012
New exact Jacobi elliptic solutions for the generalized time-dependent variable coefficients KdV- mKdV equation
In this article, we use the improved general mapping deformation method based on the generalized Jacobi elliptic functions expansion method with computerized symbolic computation to construct more new exact solutions of a generalized time-dependent variable coefficients KdV- mKdV equation. As a result, new generalized Jacobi elliptic function-like solutions, soliton-like solutions and trigonometric...
July 2012
Several new iterative methods for solving nonlinear algebraic equations incorporating homotopy perturbation method (HPM)
In this paper, several new iterative methods for solving nonlinear algebraic equations are presented. The iterative formulas are based on the He's homotopy perturbation method (HPM). It is shown that the new methods lead to eight algorithms which are of fifth, seventh, tenth and fourteenth order convergence. These methods result in real or complex simple roots of certain nonlinear equations. The merit of...
July 2012
Daily averages of solar radiation measured at Iju, Nigeria in 2008
This work presents one year data of global solar radiation flux measured at a humid tropical location in West Africa (Iju, Nigeria; 7.15°N, 5.12°E) for the period 1st January to 31st December, 2008. The collected raw data were analyzed using Origin software and Excel spreadsheet to determine the daily means, daily minima and maxima for the period under consideration. The daily mean for the year...
July 2012
Measurement of sediment oxygen demand for modeling the dissolved oxygen distribution in a Subalpine lake
Sediment oxygen demand (SOD) is believed to be an important process affecting dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations and has become an integral part of modeling dissolved oxygen (DO) in surface water bodies. Because no SOD data are measured at specific study sites, it is common for researchers to take SOD values from the literature for use in DO modeling. This paper focuses on an approach for measuring sediment...
July 2012
Secure quantum dialogue using entanglement swapping
In this study, a protocol for secure quantum dialogue using entanglement swapping was proposed. The protocol employs two independent communication channels, a classical channel and a quantum channel. In this scheme, the legitimate communicators Alice and Bob can pass the authentication by the classical trusted channel. Afterwards, a quantum channel sequence is provided for them, on which Alice and Bob...