International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

Table of Content: 16 August; 7(31)

August 2012

Study of calcined halloysite clay as pozzolanic material and its potential use in mortars

  In this research, we will try to understand the mechanisms involved in the introduction of calcined clays in substitution for a portion of cement in the manufacture of mortars. This experimental work focuses on the recovery of a clay type haloysite quality three, from eastern Algeria. This clay comes from a region called Djbel Debbagh hence its name (DD3). The main objective of this study is to see the...

Author(s): Bahia Rabehi, Khaled Boumchedda and Youcef Ghernouti

August 2012

Prediction of concrete compressive strength in buildings that would be reinforced by fuzzy logic

  In this study, core samples were taken from column or reinforced wall in order to make reinforcement or restoration. The effect of the element height and volume of voids of these samples to the compressive strength were investigated. C25 type ready to use concrete was used and a column without steel was produced. During the production process, 15 cm reference cube samples were taken from the fresh...

Author(s): Metin UzunoÄŸlu, Ercan Özgan and Tuncay Kap

August 2012

Comparative evaluation of rectangular and pyramid-shaped solar stills using saline water

  The long-term aim of this study is to develop low cost technology for the poor rural dwellers of Nigeria along the coastal areas. To this end, a comparative evaluation of two basin type passive solar stills was undertaken by distillation of salty water. The solar stills were rectangular-shaped and pyramid-shaped type. Both stills were made of the same material and of the same size. The top of the...

Author(s): Eze J. I. and Ojike O.

August 2012

Metal content determination and antimicrobial properties of ochre from North-central Nigeria

  Metal content of the ochre was determined by Flame photometry and atomic adsorption spectroscopic technique while the antimicrobial activity of ochre from North-Central Nigeria against selected organisms were investigated using standard methods. The results revealed the presence of Fe, Mg, Na, K, Ca, Mn, Cu, and Zn in ochre. Fe had the highest concentration (1122.7 mg/kg) followed by Mg (193.0 mg/kg). The...

Author(s): Dauda B. E. N. , Jigam A. A. , Jimoh T. O., Salihu S. O.  and Sanusi A.

August 2012

Investigation of hospital wastewater treatment plant efficiency in north of Iran during 2010-201

  Hospital wastewater contains pathogenic agents and hazardous compounds; so, it will cause many risks on environmental and human health of different communities. The aim of this research was to investigate the efficiency of hospital wastewater treatment plant in north of Iran. This cross-sectional descriptive research was done on four hospital wastewater treatment plant in north of Iran during 2010 to...

Author(s): A. Amouei, H. A. Asgharnia, A. A. Mohammadi, H. Fallah, R. Dehghani and M. B. Miranzadeh

August 2012

A new method for least squares identification of parameters of the transcendental equations

  Transcendental models are often solved by using a different approach, which can be a derivative free, direct optimisation or iterative linearization method. All these approaches require guess values for the unknown parameters to start the iteration procedure. However, if the transcendental model involves several parameters, some of these methods become very cumbersome and computationally expensive. A new...

Author(s): P. H. Kloppers, C. R. Kikawa and M .Y. Shatalov