International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

Table of Content: 16 January, 2012; 7(3)

January 2012

The properties and the effect of operating parameters on nickel plating (review)

The energy required in an electroplating process and the material costs are important considerations in product manufacturing. The most important plating criteria, however, are quality and the uniformity of the deposited metals. The nickel plating process is used extensively for decorative, engineering, and electroforming purposes. Because of the appearance and other properties of the electrodeposited material, nickel...

Author(s):   Oluranti Sadiku-Agboola, Emmanuel Rotimi Sadiku and Olusesan Frank Biotidara        

January 2012

Modeling of glow discharge controlled by a dielectric barrier

Numerical calculations of spatio-temporal characteristics of the homogeneous barrier discharge in helium are performed by means of a one-dimensional fluid model. This model consists of the continuity equations for electrons, ions and excited atoms, with the current conservation equation and the electric field profile; the time evolution of the discharge current, gas voltage and the surface density...

Author(s): Mankour Mohamed and Belarbi Ahmed Wahid      

January 2012

Modeling and application of permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) based variable speed wind generation system

n the early development of wind energy, the majority of wind turbines were operated at constant speed. Recently, the number of variable-speed wind turbines installed in wind farms has increased and more wind turbine manufacturers are making variable-speed wind turbines. In this paper, maximum power control of wind turbine and permanent magnet synchronous generator connected with two back to back voltage source...

Author(s): Sina Lotfi and Mahyar Sajedi      

January 2012

Unsteady flow of a Newtonian fluid induced by eccentric-concentric rotation of a porous disk and the fluid at infinity

The unsteady flow of a Newtonian fluid produced by a sudden coincidence of the axes of a porous disk and the fluid at infinity has been investigated while they are initially rotating with the same angular velocity about non-coincident axes. The exact solutions of both the velocity field and the components of shear stress on the disk have been obtained with the use of the Laplace transform technique. During the...

Author(s): H. Volkan Ersoy    

January 2012

Simulation-based microwave imaging of plain and reinforced concrete for nondestructive evaluation

The focus of this paper is the implementation of a backpropagation algorithm as a potential solution for the inverse source problem for microwave imaging of plain and reinforced concrete targets. The data used in imaging was obtained from numerical simulation of far-field microwave scattering by concrete targets using typical frequency bandwidth of commercially available radar systems. A finite difference-time domain...

Author(s): Oguz Gunes and Oral Buyukozturk    

January 2012

The acute hypoxia indication by the dissonant intervals of the speech signal

The paper analyzes the effect of acute hypoxia to dissonant intervals at the speech signal. It presents the factors that lead to the hypoxia as a consequence of the oxygen concentration decrease in the tissue. Furthermore, a definition of dissonant spectrum ranges of the speech signal is determined. It is made in relation to the fundamental frequency. It stands as tones' F#, B and C# in...

Author(s): Zoran N. Milivojević, Marina Milivojević, Darko Brodić and Dragan R. Milivojević      

January 2012

The effects of different laser doses on skin

The laser-skin interaction was studied using the laboratory albino rat skin as an experimental sample and 10.6 μm wavelength CO2 laser as a source of irradiation. This study aimed to determine the effect of different laser doses on the skin structure as a trial to understand how laser exerts its medical effects in treating skin problems. It also aimed to determine the relationship between the laser dose and...

Author(s): Ali Abuarra, Basma Abuarra, Basher S. Abur, Gurjeet K. C. Singh, Zedan AlSadi, Tg Lina R. Mahmood, Khalid Omar and M. Z. MatJafri      

January 2012

Extended general bifunction variational inequalities

In this paper, we introduce and consider a new class of variational inequalities which is called the mixed extended general bifunction variational inequality. We suggest and analyze some proximal methods for solving the mixed extended general bifunction variational inequalities using the auxiliary principle technique. Convergence of these methods is considered under some mild suitable conditions. Several cases are also...

Author(s): Muhammad Aslam Noor, Khalida Inayat Noor and Eisa Al-Said      

January 2012

A selection approach for solving buffer allocation problem

In this paper, we dealt with one problem in designing a production line, which is the problem of buffer allocation. A selection approach was developed and tested for selecting the best design for a huge number of alternatives set. The proposed selection approach is a combination between cardinal and ordinal optimization. The algorithm involves four procedures; ordinal optimization, optimal computing budget allocation,...

Author(s): Mohammad H. Almomani, Rosmanjawati Abdul Rahman, Adam Baharum andMahmoud H. Alrefaei      

January 2012

Observer design for rectangular discrete-time singular systems with time-varying delay

In this paper, observer design problem for rectangular discrete-time singular systems with time-varying delay is discussed. Based on restricted system equivalent (RSE) transformations and by introducing new state vectors, the problem is transformed into observer design problem for time-varying delay discrete-time standard state-space systems. By Lyapunov function method and linear matrix inequality (LMI) technique, the...

Author(s): Yaning Lin    

January 2012

Existence of solutions for G-SDEs with upper and lower solutions in the reverse order

The existence of solutions for stochastic differential equations under G-Brownian motion (G-SDEs) of the typein the presence of a lower solution  and an upper solution  in a reverse order is established. By the method of upper and lower solutions in the reverse order, it is shown that the G-SDEs have more than one solution if the drift coefficients are discontinuous functions.   Key...

Author(s): Faiz FaizUllah and Daxiong Piao    

January 2012

Comparative study on fuzzy inference systems for prediction of concrete compressive strength

The aim of this comparative study is to evaluate the effects of different methods, used for ''aggregation'' and ''defuzzification'', on the output. To reach this goal, six fuzzy inference systems (FIS-1, FIS-2, FIS-3, FIS-4, FIS-5 and FIS-6) have been designed (with the same rule bases) with different methods used for aggregation, defuzzification, and overlapping between the fuzzy sets....

Author(s): Mehdi Neshat, Ali Adeli, Ghodrat Sepidnam and Mehdi Sargolzaei    

January 2012

A load balancing interference aware routing metric (LBIARM) for multi hop wireless mesh network

It is a well-known fact that routing metrics play a crucial part in the performance of wireless mesh networks (WMN). When routing protocols are implemented, the routing metrics are assigned to different paths. It calculates the best path to predict the best routing path. They are integrated in routing protocols to improve WMNs efficiency in terms of reliability, latency, throughput, error rate and cost. This paper...

Author(s): Mohammad Siraj, and Kamalrulnizam Abu Bakar      

January 2012

Fingerprint images segmentation based on fuzzy C-mean theory and statistical features

Fingerprint segmentation is a crucial and important step of image processing in automatic fingerprint identification. Because, it is very important for alright fingerprint features extraction, such as, singular points, bifurcation and ridge ending minutia’s. The aim of the segmentation of fingerprint is to extract the interest area (foreground) and to exclude the background regions, in order to reduce the time of...

Author(s): Ala Balti, Mounir Sayadi and Farhat Fnaiech,      

January 2012

Preprocessing and pectoral muscle separation from breast mammograms

Computer aided diagnosis (CAD) systems can be used as a second opinion to the radiologists for diagnosis of breast cancer from mammogram images. In this paper, we have proposed preprocessing method to remove noise from mammogram images. Then, enhancement has been performed. After that, background has been removed. Finally, pectoral muscle separation has been performed. It has been noted that results are very much...

Author(s): Muhammad Talha, and Ghazali Bin Sulong        

January 2012

Synthesis of Cu-Ag core-shell particles: Study on cover silver homogeneity

Cu-Ag particles with homogeneous cover-silver layer were synthesized by electroless plating of copper particles with silver sulfate using eco-friendly sodium citrate (SC) as reducing agent, dispersant and chelating agent in an aqueous system. The influences of sodium citrate/Cu and sodium citrate/Ag ratios on Ag coatings of Cu powders were investigated. Ag formed a dense coating on the surface of Cu powders at a molar...

Author(s): Yu-hsien Peng, and Ching-Hwa Lee      

January 2012

Building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) module in urban housing in Khartoum: Concept and design considerations

This paper searches to find out building of integrated photovoltaic (PV) system designs in Khartoum. It discussed technical issues and the design of an integrated PV in domestic use, within an urban approach towards sustainability in energy. PV systems can be used to develop the solar energy in almost all kinds of applications. Exploiting of solar energy for domestic use is one avenue where the energy produced from...

Author(s): Zeinab Abdallah M. Elhassan, Muhammad Fauzi Mohd Zain, Kamaruzzaman Sopian and A. Abass        

January 2012

Physicochemical and mineralogical considerations of Ediki sandstone-hosted kaolin occurrence, South West Cameroon

Field mapping, colour, particle size distribution, pH and x-ray diffraction studies were undertaken to elucidate the genesis of Ediki kaolin. The kaolin occurs within the Mungo formation of upper cretaceous age, ascribed to the Douala sedimentary basin. The kaolin profile consists of upward coarsening sandstone – siltstone – sandstone sequence with a gradient of 35 to 40°. Texturally, the kaolin is...

Author(s): M. L. Diko and G. E. Ekosse      

January 2012

Influence of evaporation on transient suction distribution in unsaturated soil

This paper presents the results of numerical analysis on influence of evaporation process on the transient suction distribution induced by rainfall infiltration in unsaturated soil.  Transient seepage and slope stability analyses were carried out using commercial software SEEP/W and SLOPE/W (Geo-Slope International, 2007a, b) on 1-year data representing a site at Johor Bahru, Malaysia.  Soil samples were...

Author(s): Gambo Haruna Yunusa and Nurly Gofar