June 2016
Matter-antimatter models in cosmic and biologic systems
The leading theories suggest that in the first fractions of the second following the Big Bang, equal amounts of matter and antimatter were formed, and annihilated. Therefore, the asymmetry of matter and antimatter, and formation of the visible universe is one of the major unsolved problems in physics. Surprisingly, when the major characteristics of the cosmic matter- antimatter interactions, were compared to...
June 2016
Determination of the characteristic parameters for the modified Bessel-Gauss beams
Some characteristic parameters of the Bessel- Gaussian beam were determined theoretically by direct analytical calculations. Variation of the final beam radius (ω) with the starting beam radius (ωo) was studied. The Rayleigh range of a Bessel-Gauss beam was calculated for each value of the minimum starting beam radius. The beam wavefront radius of curvature (R) was calculated as a function of starting...