International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

Table of Content: 16 June, 2018; 13(11)

June 2018

Gross alpha and beta activity concentrations in soil and some selected Nigerian food crops

Gross alpha and beta activity concentrations in soil, cassava and fluted pumpkin (leaf and stem) were investigated using a gas flow proportional counter. The gross alpha activity concentrations for the fluted pumpkin were between 3.55 and 13.95 Bq/Kg and 3.53 and 3.61 Bq/Kg for the leaves and stems, respectively. The gross alpha activity concentrations for cassava and soil samples ranged from 0.07 to 0.60 Bq/Kg and 0.35...

Author(s): Chijioke M. Amakom, Chikwendu E. Orji, Benedict C. Eke, Chinedu Iroegbu and Bridget A. Ojakominor

June 2018

Effect of annealing temperature on the optical properties of Sb-ZnO thin films prepared using co-sputtering technique

Transparent conducting oxide thin films of Sb-ZnO were prepared on optically flat quartz by radio-frequency (RF) sputtering method. The scan electron microscope was used to characterize the topological morphology of the surface of the as-prepared and annealed films at (300, 400, 470, and 525°C) for 4 h in air. The optical properties of the films were deliberated using their reflectance and transmittance spectra at...

Author(s): Hend Alkhammash