International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

Table of Content: 16 March, 2012; 7(12)

March 2012

An overview of different modeling approaches to prediction of the likely effects of climate change on range shifts of species

  Climate change may have noticeable impacts on global biodiversity and can be considered as a huge long-term threat to species survival. To assess the extinction risk of wildlife species and in spatial planning approaches for conservation strategies, it is essential to predict how species respond to climate changes via shift in geographic range. The prediction of species responses to climate change can be done...

Author(s): Parinaz Rashidi, Abdullah Ahmad Makmom, Abdolrassoul Salman Mahiny, Hossein Varasteh Moradi, Ramli Mohammad Firuz, Jamil Amanollahi, Alireza Mickaeili Tabrizi and Hamidreza Shahbazi

March 2012

High-order balanced M-band orthogonal multiwavelet: Construction and application

  This article proposed an approach to construct high-order balanced M-band (M>2) orthogonal multiwavelets with symmetric property, and demonstrated the advantages of our constructed multiwavelet systems in digital elevation model (DEM) generalization application over some other wavelet systems. We studied the theories related to the key properties of M-band multiwavelets, such as orthogonality, symmetry,...

Author(s): Hai-jiang Wang, Qin-ke Yang and Chun-mei Wang

March 2012

Mass transfer analysis for unsteady thin film flow over stretched heated plate

  In this paper, the mass transfer in a time varying thin liquid film over a stretching heated plate having variable temperature and concentration is analyzed. The analytical solution for the unsteady Navier- Stokes, energy and diffusion equations are obtained. A new similarity is found using group-theoretic analysis which renders the exact similar governing equations amenable to analytical solution using...

Author(s): Muhammad Hussan, Naeem Mustafa and S. Asghar,

March 2012

Absorbed Dose Estimation by Monte Carlo Simulation Conversion Factor of Physical Dosimeters

  In our world, nuclear accident is unavoidable. This means that we are under radiation risk all the time. Therefore, you should determine the ionized atoms (absorbed dose) punctually and as fast as possible to deal properly with victims in the triage process. The present study attempts to determine the absorbed dose generated in femur bone that utilized femur phantom (Health Physics Society N13.32) after...

Author(s): Yasser Saleh ALAJERAMI, Suhairul HASHIM, Wan Muhamad Saridan WAN HASSAN and Ahmad Termizi RAMLI

March 2012

Similar dielectric behaviour of polyphenylglycidyl-ether and diglycidyl-ether of bisphenol-A at glass transition temperature

  In this work, the dynamics of the primary a- and the Johari-Goldstein (JG) b- processes are studied with dielectric spectroscopy. We found the relaxations at glass transition temperature in polyphenylglycidyl- ether and diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-A to be strongly correlated over a wide temperature T and pressure P range. Analysing the temperature and pressure...

Author(s): Soheil Sharifi

March 2012

Frequency of GG-globin promoter -158 (C>T) Xmn I polymorphism in Denizli, Turkey

  The effect of -158 (C>T) Xmn I polymorphism on expression of Gg-globin gene has been the subject of considerable interest. This study aims to determine the frequency of the GgXmn I polymorphism in b-thalassemia patients in Denizli province of Turkey. We studied Xmn I polymorphism in the DNA samples of 27 with b-thalassemia major, 210 b-thalassemia minor patients and 100 healthy subjects...

Author(s): Anzel BAHADIR, Erol Omer ATALAY

March 2012

Evaluation of coated urea for the effects of coating on the physical and chemical properties of urea fertilizer

  The experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of biodegradable material and micronutrient coatings on the physical and chemical character of urea fertilizer. Six treatments were prepared by coating urea with agar, gelatine, palm stearin, CuSO4 and Zn SO4. Both micronutrients were used as urease inhibitor and all other materials were used as adhesive agents to keep micronutrient and nitrogen...

Author(s): Nasima Junejo, M. Y. Khanif, M. M. Hanafi, MD. Z. W. Y Wan, K. A. Dharejoand Arifin Abdu

March 2012

Shape and composition study of iron-platinum (FePt) nanoalloy prepared by polyol process

  Metal nanoparticles have been attracting intensive interest because of potential applications in the areas of magnetism, electronics, etc. In this paper, Fe and Pt nanoparticles were first synthesized by decomposition of FeCl2.4H2O and reduction of Pt(acac)2, respectively with 1,2-hexadecanediol and LiBEt3H superhydride as the reducing reagent at high temperature in polyol process. Similarly, FePt...

Author(s): Majid Farahmandjou

March 2012

A study of the surface plasmon absorption band for nanoparticles

  In this work, we have performed the theoretical calculations of the absorbance of spherical silver nanoparticles dispersed in deionized water and in n-propanol, computed from a summation of the Mie series for different particle radius in the range from 1 to 17 nm. In both solvents, the maximum absorbance increases and the bandwidth at half-maximum absorption and number of particles decrease. Maximum...

Author(s): A. R. Bijanzadeh, M. R. Vakili and R. Khordad

March 2012

Fault tolerant control of mechatronics system based on hybrid control

  This study presents fault tolerant control of inverted pendulum via on-line fuzzy backstepping and anti-control of chaos. The inverted pendulum is used frequently in robotic applications and can be found in different forms. Based on Lyapunov stability theory for backstepping design, the nonlinear controller and some generic sufficient conditions for asymptotic control are attained. Also in this study,...

Author(s): Atefeh Saedian, Hassan Zarabadipour, Mahdi Aliyari Shoorehdeli and Faezeh Farivar

March 2012

Implementation of edge detection algorithms to characterize magnetic micropillars patterned by X-ray lithography

  The array of SU-8 photoresist pillars (10 ´ 10 ´ 50 µm) on a copper substrate was patterned by X-ray lithography using a synchrotron source. Flat cobalt films can then be sputter-deposited on the chemically stable and mechanically hardened SU-8 pillars in spite of geometry distortion and pattern collapse in some regions. Since any deviations from the pattern affect...

Author(s): U. Phromsuwan, C. Sirisathitkul, Y. Sirisathitkul and C. Sriphung

March 2012

Rural housing design in costal belt and prospects to adopt renewable energy for basic electrification

  It is a well established fact that rapid deterioration of the environment, soaring fuel prices and dire need of economic growth are among few factors that lure the world’s nations to search and develop alternate sources of fuel to fulfill their energy requirements. Conventional methods of energy production are proven to be costly affairs for developing regions of the world. The persistent power...

Author(s): Afaq Hyder Chohan, Adi Irfan Che-Ani, Norngainy Mohd. Tawil, Zubair Memonand Mehrunisa Hashmani

March 2012

Changes in litter, decomposition, nitrogen mineralization and microclimate in Acacia mangium and Acacia auriculiformis plantation in Mount Makiling, Philippines

  The objectives of this study were to examine litter, decomposition, net mineralization and microclimate by two leguminous species planted for the restoration of degraded area. The total annual litter fall in A. mangium site was 11.44±0.59 (mean ± standard error) t ha-1 yr-1and A. auriculiformis site was 8.72±0.57 t ha-1 yr-1. Decomposition constant...

Author(s): Yong-Kwon Lee and Su-Young Woo