International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

Table of Content: 16 March 2015; 10(5)

March 2015

Optical properties of ZnO thin films deposed by RF magnetron

We have grown ZnO thin films on glass substrate by R.F magnetron sputtering using metallic zinc target. The influences of some parameters on thin film optical properties were assessed. They exhibited extremely high resistivity of 1012 Ω.cm, an energy gap of 3.3 eV at room temperature. It was found that a R.F power of 50 W, a target to substrate distance of 70 mm, very low gas pressures of 3.35 x 10-3 Torr of argon and...

Author(s): R. Ondo-Ndong(,), H. Z. Moussambi(), H. Gnanga(), A. Giani() and A. Foucaran()

March 2015

Behavior architecture controller for an autonomous robot navigation in an unknown environment to perform a given task

The aim of this paper is to carry out navigation task in an unknown environment with high density obstacles using an autonomous mobile robot. Fuzzy logic approach is used for the robot planning because the output varies smoothly as the input changes. If the navigation environment contains one or more obstacles the robot must be able to avoid collisions. The robot uses the obstacle avoidance controller in order to reach...

Author(s): Jasmine Xavier A. and Shantha Selvakumari R.

March 2015

Multi-objective optimization of hybrid PV/wind/diesel/battery systems for decentralized application by minimizing the levelized cost of energy and the CO2 emissions

The main objective of this paper is to propose a methodology to design and optimize a stand-alone hybrid PV/wind/diesel/battery minimizing the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCE) and the CO2 emission using a Multi-Objectives Genetic Algorithm approach. The methodology developed was applied using the solar radiation, temperature and the wind speed collected on the site of Potou located in the northwestern coast of Senegal....

Author(s): B. Ould Bilal, D. Nourou, C. M. F Kébé, V. Sambou, P. A. Ndiaye and M. Ndongo