International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

Table of Content: 23 April; 7(17)

April 2012

Design of fast fault tolerant reversible signed multiplier

  Reversible logic circuits are emerging as a promising technology for power minimization. Parity preserving reversible circuits design will be very important for development of fault tolerant reversible systems in nanotechnology. In this paper, a fast fault tolerant reversible signed multiplier is proposed. In order to construct the multiplier, five variables parity preserving gate (F2PG) and modified...

Author(s): Xuemei Qi,, Fulong Chen, Kaizhong Zuo, Liangmin Guo, Yonglong Luo,and Min Hu

April 2012

Multimedia physical feature for unsteady MHD mixed convection viscoelastic fluid over a vertical stretching sheet with viscous dissipation

  A multimedia feature for unsteady magnetic hydrodynamic (MHD) flow of two-dimensional mixed convection flow of an incompressible viscoelastic fluid over a vertical stretching sheet with viscous dissipation was studied. Similar transformation and an implicit finite-difference method were used to analyze the present problem. The numerical solutions of the flow velocity distributions, temperature profiles, the...

Author(s): Kai-Long Hsiao

April 2012

Screening of agricultural waste for Ni(II) adsorption: Kinetics, equilibrium and thermodynamic studies

  This study reports the adsorption of Ni(II) ions onto waste powders prepared from egg plant (EGP), sweet potato (SWP) and banana peels (BNP). The influence of adsorption parameters, such as pH, contact time, adsorbent weight, adsorbate concentration and temperature were investigated. Equilibrium was described by the Langmuir and Freundlich models. Ni(II) uptake was very fast reaching a maximum within 20 min...

Author(s): Sumbu J. Kakalanga, Ximba B. Jabulani, Opeolu B. Olutoyin and Oputu O. Utieyin

April 2012

Full-diversity high-rate space-time block-coded systems using estimated channel state information for symbol detection

  In this paper, the frame-error-rate (FER) performance of full-diversity high-rate space-time block-coded (STBC) system is presented for quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK) digital modulation technique, which is using the numeric-variable-forgetting-factor (NVFF) least-squares (LS) algorithm based channel estimator. The STBC transmission data-rates  with two-transmitter antennas...

Author(s): Amit Grover and Amit Kumar Kohli

April 2012

Conditions of numerical semigroups having maximal or almost maximal length

  In this paper, we will give some conditions for a numerical semigroup to have maximal or almost maximal length or to be Arf . For obtaining these conditions, we will use the type sequences  and , in cases and ,  where  for , respectively.   Key words: Arf semigroup, numerical semigroup, type sequence, maximal Length.

Author(s): Sedat Ä°lhan and Meral Süer

April 2012

Mixed intelligent optimization algorithm (MIOA): An algorithm for quality of service (QoS) based web service selection

  With the rapid growth of abundant Web services on the World Wide Web, designing effective approaches for Web service selection, which satisfy service consumers’ customized quality of service (QoS) requirement, has become a fundamental problem for the application of composed Web service. To address this problem, we propose, in this paper, a new algorithm, called Mixed Intelligent Optimization Algorithm...

Author(s): Yanping Chen, Qinghua Zheng and Jianke Zhang

April 2012

Identification and non-linear control strategy for industrial pneumatic actuator

  In this paper, a combination of nonlinear gain and proportional integral derivative (NPID) controller was proposed to the trajectory tracking of a pneumatic positioning system. The nonlinear gain was employed to this technique in order to avoid overshoot when a relatively large gain is used to produce a fast response. This nonlinear gain can vary automatically either by increasing or decreasing depending on...

Author(s): M. F. Rahmat, Sy Najib Sy Salim, N. H. Sunar, Ahmad ‘Athif Mohd Faudzi, Zool Hilmi Ismail and K. Huda

April 2012

The effects of adhesive thickness, surface roughness and overlap distance on joint strength in prismatic plug-in joints attached with adhesive

  The aim of this study is to determine the effects of surface roughness, adhesive thickness and overlap distance on the joint strength in prismatic plug-in joints combined with adhesive. For this purpose, samples produced in three different types of overlap distance, three different types of adhesive thickness and three different types of surface roughness were attached by three different widely used...

Author(s): Sinan AYDIN, Murat Yavuz SOLMAZ and Aydin TURGUT

April 2012

Detection of urban irregular development and green space destruction using normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), principal component analysis (PCA) and post classification methods: A case study of Saqqez city

  Due to inappropriate planning and management, accelerated urban growth and tremendous loss in land, especially green space, have become a great challenge for sustainable urban development. Detection of such changes may help decision makers and planners to understand the factors in land use and land cover changes in order to take effective and useful measures. Change detection is a technique used in remote...

Author(s): Himan Shahabi, Baharin Bin Ahmad, Mohammad Hossein Mokhtari and Mohsen Ali Zadeh

April 2012

Chaotic time series prediction and Mackey-Glass simulation with fuzzy logic

  The present study was performed with fuzzy logic (FL) time series prediction modeling on a twenty years hourly averaged wind data, that is, 1985 to 2004 for Quetta, Pakistan. A free fuzzy logic design was followed and hourly wind data for spring prediction were obtained (February, March and April). It was found that the prediction is reliable and precise. Non-stationarity or random walk in wind data exists...

Author(s): Yasmin Zahra Jafri, Amir Waseem, Lalarukh Kamal, S. Masood Raza, Muhammad Sami and Syed Haider Shah

April 2012

Effect of prismatic elements as bed roughness on hydraulic jump characteristics

  The roughness bed represents structures that produce high energy dissipation. The objectives of the present experimental study were to determine the effects of using prismatic elements for two types of bed roughness, strip and staggered, on fundamental characteristics of the hydraulic jump, including sequent depth, length and energy dissipation capacity. Experiments were conducted for both smooth and rough...

Author(s): Zhilin SUN and Ashraf Fathy ELLAYN

April 2012

Soil loss and erodibility factor for improving conservation specification design in Southwestern Taiwan

  The characteristics of the soil topography are usually influenced by the distribution of rainfall in typhoon season, steep terrains and fragmental geology; as a result, severe soil erosion often occurs in Taiwan. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the rainfall event and soil erodibility factor by collecting fifty nine measured erosion data from nineteen experimental sites among the...

Author(s): Jih-Jang Huang, Chin-Ping Lin and Yu-Min Wang

April 2012

Moderately intense geomagnetic storms and their relation with coronal mass ejections and interplanetary magnetic field

  An investigation of moderately intense geomagnetic storms (50 nT>Dst≥-150 nT) observed between 1997 and 2007 with coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and interplanetary magnetic field was carried out. We found that 54.91% geomagnetic storms are associated with halo and partial halo coronal mass ejections. The association rates of halo and partial halo coronal mass ejections were found to be 63.16 and 36.84%...

Author(s): P. L. Verma