International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

Table of Content: 23 MAY; 7(20)

May 2012

Synthesis and characterization of hydroxyapatite nanocrystal and gelatin doped with Zn2+ and cross linked by glutaraldehyde

  Different nanocrystals of hydroxyapatite-[HAp]-gelatin [GEL], HAp/GEL/Glutaraldehyde (GA), HAp/GEL/Zn and HAp/GEL/GA/Zn were prepared using the biomimetic process. The nanocrystals were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD). The FT-IR spectra of HAp/GEL nanocrystal materials are similar to the spectrum of real...

Author(s): Azadeh Rezakhani and M. M. Kashani Motlagh

May 2012

Two-dimensional simulation of flow pattern around a groyne using semi-implicit semi-Lagrangian method

  In this article, a numerical model was obtained in a two dimensional flow pattern simulation around a groyne. The model approximates the depth-averaged, shallow water equations with a finite volume, semi-implicit and semi-Lagrangian representation. Runge-Kutta scheme was used for departure point determination. The results showed that numerical model has high stability and efficiency. Also, numerical...

Author(s): Hamed Sarveram, Abolfazl Shamsai and Mohammad Ali Banihashemi

May 2012

Physical and geotechnical characterization of unconsolidated sediments associated with the 2005 Mbonjo landslide, Limbe, Cameroon

  Laboratory analyses of unconsolidated sediments from the ruptured zone of the 2005 Mbonjo Landslide scar were carried out to characterize and evaluate their role as contributory factors in enhancing the slide. Colour, particle size (PS) and particle size distribution (PSD), Atterberg limits [liquid limit (LL), plastic limit (PL) and plasticity index (PI)] and basic geotechnical properties [bulk density...

Author(s): M. L. Diko, G. E. Ekosse, S. N. Ayonghe and E. B. Ntasin

May 2012

Geochronological dating and stratigraphic sequences of Harrat Lunayyir, NW Saudi Arabia

  Harrat Lunayyir is a basaltic volcanic field in NW Saudi Arabia. Lava flows are basaltic to basanitic in composition, and the Holocene flows are alkali olivine basalts. The volcanic field contains about 50 cones that were constructed on Precambrian crystalline rocks along an N-S axis. The dominantly basaltic lavas of Harrat Lunayyir have been divided based on their erosion characteristics into two...

Author(s): Al-Amri A. M., Fnais M. S., Kamal Abdel-Rahman, Mogren S. and Al-Dabbagh M.

May 2012

Rigorous version of ınfinitesimal deformation approach to the crystallography of fcc ® bcc martensitic phase transformation observed in Fe-31 wt % Ni and zirconia alloys

  Following the mathematical approach of Kelly (2003), rigorous version of infinitesimal deformation approach (ID) was applied to analyze fcc ® bcc martensitic phase transformation observed in Fe-31wt% Ni alloys considering the twinning shear system as the lattice invariant system (LIS). The expressions for crystallographical parameters associated with the martensitic phase transformation such as habit...

Author(s): A. Dogan, Y. Havvatoglu and H. Arslan

May 2012

Low cost front-end readout electronic for instrumentation used in neutron experiments

  In the field of material characterization, the neutron scattering technique is found to be useful in so many applications. This technique requires a position sensitive neutron detector (PSND) and their front-end readouts (FER) electronic to detect the position of neutron interactions. Normally, the PSND is designed for specific applications and has unique technical specifications. Therefore, it requires a...

Author(s): L. Lombigit, M. N. Hamidon, M. A. Khalid and N. Sulaiman

May 2012

Factors affecting implementation of hospital management information systems in Pakistan

  Information technology is not being optimally incorporated in developing countries for improving healthcare practices and the implementation problems have been so portrayed that it has further reduced investors’ confidence in hospital management information systems (HMIS). The purpose of this study was to ascertain the actual impact of various factors on HMIS in Pakistan for which an exploratory study...

Author(s): Ibrar Hussain Malik and Shafqat Hameed