International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

Table of Content: 23 October; 7(40)

October 2013

The novel terms on the basis of some photon interaction parameters for some barium compounds

  The molecular (), atomic (), electronic () cross-sections and the total mass attenuation coefficient () values of barium compounds are determined both experimentally and theoretically. The most interesting result of this study is that the effective , ,  cross-section values are not as expected near the absorption edge. The results have been compared with some other theoretical values...

Author(s): E. Pesen, R. Polat, O. Içelli, Z. Yalçin and S. Orak

October 2013

Some classification results on totally umbilical proper slant and hemi-slant submanifolds of a nearly Kenmotsu manifold

  This paper is concerned with the study of slant and hemi-slant submanifolds of a nearly Kenmotsu manifold. We prove that every totally umbilical proper slant submanifold of a nearly Kenmotsu manifold is totally geodesic and derive the integrability conditions of involved distributions in the definition of a hemi-slant submanifold. Finally, we obtain a classification theorem on a totally umbilical hemi-slant...

Author(s): Siraj Uddin, Cenap Ozel, M. A. Khan and Khushwant Singh

October 2013

Partitioning large ontologies based on their structures

  With awareness of ontology capabilities in processing semantic web information, the number of ontologies have been increasing over the past decade. However, there are still some difficulties in working with ontologies having large sizes (that is having considerable amount of concepts and relationships) resulting from high time and space complexity of the processing involved. To overcome these...

Author(s): Asieh Ghanbarpour, and Hassan Abolhassani

October 2013

Usage opportunities of the natural dye extracted from acorn (Quercus ithaburensis Decaisne) in the furniture industry upper surface treatment

  This study is aimed to develop a natural dye to be used in the furniture industry upper surface treatment and to be sensitive to the environment and human health. For this reason, the natural dye extracted from acorn (Quercus ithaburensis Decaisne) is applied to different types of wood. After that, the determination of color change under the accelerated weathering...

Author(s): Huseyin PEKER, Abdi ATILGAN, Hatice ULUSOY and Osman GOKTAS

October 2013

Sensitivity of thin film nanocrystalline silicon properties to radio frequency plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (rf PECVD) parameters

  Hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) films for efficient nc-Si:H solar cells are made at the transition to the nanocrystalline regime during radio frequency plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (rf PECVD). This transition occurs within a sensitive process window and is affected by various deposition parameters. This paper reports an investigation into the material properties of nc-Si:H films as...

Author(s): S. N. Agbo and P. E. Ugwuoke

October 2013

Evaluation of thermal mud characteristics of Erzurum (Köprüköy) clayey raw materials (NE Turkey)

  In Turkey, there are several natural occurrences of clays/muds which are used for therapeutic, aesthetic, and pharmaceutical purposes. The aim of this study was to assess the mineralogical and physicochemical properties of Erzurum clayey raw materials from Koprukoy (Erzurum, NE Turkey) for their therapeutic purposes. Raw material samples were collected from Pliocene geological formation...

Author(s): Ekrem Kalkan, Mustafa Yıldırım Canbolat, Necmi YarbaÅŸi and Müdahir Özgul