International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

Table of Content: 26 July; 7(29)

July 2012

Unattached fractions and aerosol attached of radon progeny in indoor air

  The present study summarizes the experimental data on the activity concentrations of222Rn gas , unattached  and attached  short-lived222Rn progeny 218Po, 214Pb and 214Po in indoor air of Jeddah City, K.S.A. Jeddah  city  lies on the eastern bank of the red sea, South West the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The city is located between latitudes 21°...

Author(s): M. Mohery, A. El-Hussein and S. H. Alddin and S. Al Howaity

July 2012

Internal flow patterns behavior of a top heat mode closed-loop oscillating heat pipe with check valves (THMCLOHP/CV)

  An experimental study of the internal flow patterns of a top heat mode closed-loop oscillating heat pipe with check valves (THMCLOHP/CV) was carried out. In this study, the heat pipe was made of a Pyrex tube with an inner diameter of 2.4 mm which was bent into 10 meandering turns and filled with ethanol, R141b and R123 at a filling ratio of 50% by total volume. The number of check valves was 2 sets. The...

Author(s): S. Thongdaeng, S. Rittidech and B. Bubphachot

July 2012

Estimating suspended sediment concentration using neural differential evolution (NDE), multi layer perceptron (MLP) and radial basis function (RBF) models

  Sediment transport has attracted the attention of engineers from various aspects and different methods have been used for its estimation. So, several experimental equations have been submitted by experts. Though the results of these methods have considerable differences with each other and with experimental observations, because the sediment measures have some limits, these equations can be used in...

Author(s): Mehdi Feyzolahpour, Masoumeh Rajabi and Shahram Roostaei

July 2012

Quality of irrigation and drinking water in Nangarparkar Region of Thar Desert of Pakistan

  The pioneer study evaluates water quality status in Nangarparkar area of Thar Desert of Pakistan. Water samples obtained from wells, ponds and storage tanks greatly varied in their chemical composition and nutrient contents. Percentage of hazardous well water samples for irrigation purpose were: pH: 30%; electrical conductivity (EC): 27%; total soluble salts (TSS): 100%; CO3–: 70%; HCO3–:...

Author(s): Khemani P. K., Zia-ul-hassan, K. L. Khatri, G. M. Jamro, and I. Rajper

July 2012

A survey of job recommender systems

  The Internet-based recruiting platforms become a primary recruitment channel in most companies. While such platforms decrease the recruitment time and advertisement cost, they suffer from an inappropriateness of traditional information retrieval techniques like the Boolean search methods. Consequently, a vast amount of candidates missed the opportunity of recruiting. The...

Author(s): Shaha T. Al-Otaibi and Mourad Ykhlef