International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

Table of Content: 30 April, 2015; 10(8)

April 2015

Neutron and gamma-ray shielding properties of modified Ni- Ti- X Mo maraging steels

MCNP5 program was used to investigate the neutron and gamma shielding properties of Ni-Ti- X Mo maraging steels. The MCNP5 program experimental setup was designed using neutrons of 14.1 MeV from sealed neutron tube and 60Co as a gamma ray source. Particular attention was given to the shielding properties of neutron and gamma for low nickel free cobalt, titanium containing modified maraging steel in correlation to the...

Author(s): A. M. Reda, and H. Halfa

April 2015

Two methods for extracting the parameters of a non-ideal diode

We describe two methods of extracting physical parameters of a non ideal p-n diodes. These include the ideality factor, saturation current and series resistance. The proposed techniques that treat extraction parameters, using the current-voltage characteristic (I,V) forward biased. The first method is to learn three different points of the curve, with the coordinates of these points, one can generate a system of...

Author(s): M. Khalis, R. Masrour, Y. Mir and M. Zazoui

April 2015

Surface and thermodynamic studies of micellization of surfactants in binary mixtures of 1,2-ethanediol and 1,2,3-propanetriol with water

Surface physico-chemical and thermodynamic studies of some aqueous surfactant solutions were carried out by employing conductance, surface tension and dye solubilization (UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy) techniques. From conductivity and surface tension measurements, critical micelle concentration (CMC), counter-ion association constant (α), equivalent conductance at infinite dilution (λo), surface exess...

Author(s): Adane D. Fenta

April 2015

Relativistic causality versus superluminal communication: Is the quantum mechanics a semi-empirical theory?

The work analyzes the compatibility between the classical freedom, the local relativistic causality and the non-local behavior of quantum mechanics in the frame of the stochastic approach of the quantum hydrodynamic analogy (SQHA). The work describes the role of the quantum potential in generating the quantum non-local dynamics in a fluctuating environment. The analysis shows that it is possible to maintain the concept...

Author(s): Piero Chiarelli