International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

Table of Content: 30 December; 7(49)

December 2012

Suicide incidents in India in relation with solar activity parameters and cosmic ray intensity (1989 to 2011)

We studied the relation between the death due to suicide in India and of various solar activity (SA) parameters, for example, sunspot numbers (SSN), solar flare index (SFI), coronal index (CI) and cosmic ray intensity (CRI), observed during the period of 1989 to 2011. It is seen that the number of suicide incidents of male, female, and average is well correlated with yearly average of SSN, SFI, and CI and positively...

Author(s): P. L. Verma

December 2012

Effect of gate electrode work function in conventional and junctionless FinFETs

This paper investigates the effect of gate electrode work function in 30 nm gate length conventional and junctionless FinFETs using technology computer-aided design (TCAD)simulations. DC parameters, threshold voltage (vt), drive current (Ion) and output resistance (Ro), and RF parameters, unity gain cut-off frequency (ft), non-quasi static (NQS) delay and input impedance (Z11) are investigated. Junctionless...

Author(s): B. Lakshmi and R. Srinivasan

December 2012

Estimation of aquifer characteristics using vertical electrical soundings (VES) data from Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Agbani, Nigeria

Vertical electrical soundings (VES) were carried out in order to determine the groundwater potential of the Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Agbani, Nigeria. The instrument used was the ABEM Terrameter SAS 300B, employing the Schlumberger electrode configuration. Interpretation of the VES data by partial curve matching technique aided by computer modeling showed that the sampled earth subsurface can be...

Author(s): G. Z. Ugwu and C. C. Ezeh

December 2012

Landslide investigation study using seismic refraction and 2D electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) technique in Ooty, Nilgiri District, Tamilnadu

The aim of this paper is to investigate landslide prone areas in Nilgiri hills which have caused damage to people and properties and to devise preventive steps to be taken in the events of future landslides. Our study area was situated at Ooty region, Nilgiri District, Tamilnadu. In this study we use the seismic refraction survey carried out across landslides located near the villages in Allanchi, Kundha, The...

Author(s): A. Antony Ravindran and N. Ramanujam

December 2012

Study of performance of CeO2/ZnO nanocatalysts for the oxidative coupling of methane using carbon dioxide as oxidant

This study shows how CeO2/ZnO nanocatalysts were prepared by combining homogeneous precipitation with micro emulsion using a conventional heating technique. The catalysts were then used in a conventional fixed bed reactor for the oxidative coupling of methane using carbon dioxide as an oxidant. Catalyst performance tests were carried out at atmospheric pressure, feed gas of 33 and 45 ml/min, and reaction temperatures...

Author(s): S. Al Mayman, Y. Al Zeghayer, W. AlMasry, I. AlNashef, S. Ramay and A. Jbar

December 2012

Experimental approach to mechanical properties of natural rubber mixing with Calcium carbonate powder

Mechanical properties of natural rubber (NR) and calcium carbonate as additive filler with amounts of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 parts per hundred (pphr) were studied. The influence of calcium carbonate content on hardness and tensile strength of NR were investigated. The results were obtained from the tests shown. NR hardness and tensile strength was enhanced after adding calcium carbonate powder and...

Author(s): Al-Mosawi A. I., Ali M. M. and Mohmmed J. H.