International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2574

Table of Content: 30 January, 2016; 11(2)

January 2016

Spectroscopic determination of the electrical parameters of a micro-wave discharge in helium plasma

This paper is based on the study of the emitted radiation by electrical discharge plasma, caused in the helium a pressure of 4.8 Torr, a power MW of 108W. The study numerical model allows the identification of several spectral lines. With the Boltzmann method the study have calculated the electronic temperature (Te=3.23eV), it corresponds to the classification scale of plasmas. The application of the Saha law gives the...

Author(s): L. Benmebrouk, F. Khelfaoui and L. Mohammedi

January 2016

Extraction and characterization of biodiesel from Borassus aethiopum and Cassia sieberiana

Biodiesel was successfully produced from Borassus aethiopum and Cassia sieberiana seeds using the trans-esterification method. The biodiesels produced were characterized by physico-chemical properties of acid value, iodine value, specific gravity, refractive index, viscosity, density, flash point, cloud point and pour point. Results showed that the biodiesels produced have values which compared well with the European...

Author(s): Veronica A. Ezekoye and Benjamin Ezekoye