International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

Table of Content: 30 MAY; 7(21)

May 2012

Transmission properties in chiral metamaterials

  Transmission properties of chiral metamaterials are investigated through the loss factor. Besides the amplitudes of transmission coefficients of right and left circularly polarized waves, the phases are the other main keys to control the refractive index and chirality of the chiral media, directly affecting the loss factor (LF). The LF is low when the phase combination of circular waves is large. This can be...

Author(s): Amornthep Sonsilphong and Nantakan Wongkasem

May 2012

Newtonian heating and magnetohydrodynamic effects in flow of a Jeffery fluid over a radially stretching surface

  The combined effects of Newtonian heating and magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) in a flow of a Jeffery fluid are analyzed in stagnation point flow over a radially stretching surface. The governing equations are modeled by invoking boundary layer analysis. The computed solution by a homotopy approach is valid in the spatial domain.  Graphical results for the velocity and temperature fields are displayed and...

Author(s): T. Hayat, M. Awais and A. Alsaedi

May 2012

Performance of date palm fibres reinforced plaster concrete

  This paper describes an investigation on the use of a new composite construction material composed of plaster, sand, crushed gravel and date palm fibres of waste agriculture peels, having mechanical properties potentially useful in technical domains. Thermal conductivity and some mechanical and physical properties are investigated. The results showed that the incorporated vegetable...

Author(s): A. Djoudi , M.M. Khenfer, A. Bali, E.H. Kadri and G. Debicki

May 2012

The effect of heat treatment on some chemical properties and colour in Scots pine and UludaÄŸ fir wood

  Heat treatment is often applied to some wood species to improve the dimensional stability of the wood. In this study, the effects of heat treatment on the colour of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and UludaÄŸ fir [Abies Nordmanniana (Stev.) subsp. Bornmuelleriana (Mattf.)] were examined. These species have a high potential for industrial usage and are found on large...

Author(s): Mehmet Akgül and Süleyman Korkut

May 2012

A new approach to Kudryashov’s method for solving some nonlinear physical models

  In this paper, we give a new version of the Kudryashov's method for solving non-integrable partial differential equations in mathematical physics. Some exact solutions including 1-soliton and singular soliton solutions of the  equation with generalized evolution and time dependent damping and dispersion are obtained by using this new approach.   Key words:  equation with...

Author(s): Yusuf Pandir, Yusuf Gurefe, and Emine Misirli

May 2012

A study on determination of the factors affecting dwelling choice: Düzce Toki housing area, Turkey

  The aim of this study is to define the factors affecting the choice of dwelling and to analyse the effect of user properties. For this purpose, a questionnaire was conducted to 215 users chosen randomly in the dwelling built by Düzce TOKÄ°. The gained data were transferred to computer environment with SPSS 16.00 program, and factor and variance analyses was carried out. At the end of the factor analysis,...

Author(s):   Aybike Ayfer KARADAÄž, Mehmet KORAL and Samet AYDIN