International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

Table of Content: 30 March, 2012; 7(14)

March 2012

Pyrimidine derivatives as environmentally-friendly corrosion inhibitors: A review

The perpetual quest for more efficient and environment friendly corrosion inhibitors remain a focal point in corrosion control. The use of organic compounds to inhibit corrosion has assumed great significance due to their vast applications in counteracting wastage of ferrous alloys. These compounds have shown great effectiveness for inhibiting aqueous corrosion due to film formation by adsorption on the metal surface....

Author(s): R. T. Loto, C. A. Loto, A. P. I. Popoola and M. Ranyaoa

March 2012

Peristaltic flow of Maxwell fluid in an asymmetric channel with wall properties

This study is concerned with the peristaltic motion of a Maxwell fluid in an asymmetric compliant channel. The channel asymmetry is created because of peristaltic wave trains of different amplitudes and phases on the channel walls. Mathematical model of the governing problem is first presented and then important phenomenon of "mean flow reversal" is examined. The variations of the interesting parameters...

Author(s): S. Hina, T. Hayat, S. Asghar and S. Obaidat  

March 2012

Cyclotron production of 89Zr: A potent radionuclide for positron emission tomography

In the present study, zirconium-89 (T1/2 = 3.27 day, Iβ+ = 23%, Eβ+ = 0.897 MeV) was produced through the 89Y(p,n) nuclear reaction at the Agricultural, Medical and Industrial Research School (AMIRS) Cyclotron (Cyclone-30, IBA, Belgium), irradiating Y2O3 with 15 MeV proton beam energy and 20 µA current for 20 min. The experimental yield of about 69.77 MBq 89Zr per...

Author(s): M. Taghilo, T. Kakavand , S. Rajabifar and P. Sarabadani  

March 2012

Hematological parameters in idiopathic intracranial hypertension

In this study, we investigated the relationship between cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure and hematological parameters in twenty one idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) patients recruited from the patients’ records of Duzce University and Bezmialem Foundation University Medical Faculty Hospitals between 2009 and 2011. We carried blood and CSF examinations to exclude other disorders known to cause increased...

Author(s): Suber DÄ°KÄ°CÄ°, Anzel BAHADIR, Gulsen KOCAMAN and Seyma OZDEM

March 2012

Application of Pt-Rh complex catalyst: Feasibility study on the removal of gaseous ammonia

The selective catalytic oxidation (SCO) of gas phase ammonia (NH3) to nitrogen and water has been proposed as an effective ammonia removal process. This study reports that the oxidation of NH3 with oxygen to form N2 was investigated by SCO using a Pt-Rh complex catalyst that was synthesized by the incipient wetness impregnation process. The catalysts were...

Author(s): Chang-Mao Hung

March 2012

First-principles study on La-doped ZnO used as transparent electrode for optoelectronic device

A systematic study on electronic and optical properties of wurtzite zinc oxide (ZnO) with different La-doping concentrations has been performed. The calculations are based on the first principles plane-wave pseudopotential method with the density functional theory (DFT) and the generalized gradient approximation (GGA). According to the results, the band gap of ZnO is broadened due to the increase of La-doping...

Author(s): Wei Peng, Yun Zeng, Cheng-Bin Zhang, Yong-Hong Yan and Wei Hu

March 2012

Performance analysis, design and assessment of broadband low noise amplifier (LNA) for radiometer

The two major applications of microwave remote sensors are radiometer and radar. Lots of researches have been conducted on the various aspects of radiometer and radar but internal logical design is mostly ignored by researchers because of its digital logic and complex nature. This paper focus on radiometer from a design point of view and a low noise amplifier is designed and proved mathematically to ensure the high...

Author(s): Shafqat Hameed, Asim Javaid Butt, Umar F. Khan and Atta Badii

March 2012

Development of robust electrooculography (EOG)-based human-computer interface controlled by eight-directional eye movements

Electrooculography (EOG) signal is one of the useful electro-physiological signals. The EOG signals provide information about eye movements that can be used as a control signal in human-computer interface (HCI). Usually, eight-directional movements, including up, down, right, left, up-right, up-left, down-right and down-left, are proposed. Development of the EOG signal classification has been shown more increasing...

Author(s): Siriwadee Aungsakun, Angkoon Phinyomark, Pornchai Phukpattaranont and Chusak Limsakul

March 2012

A new approach for improving lifetime in wireless sensor networks based on distributed learning automata

In wireless sensor networks, due to the strict resource limitations, consumption energy has becomes the most challenging issue. Decreasing consumption energy has a direct impact on increasing the lifetime of wireless sensor networks; data aggregation was put forward as an essential paradigm for wireless routing in sensor networks. The idea is to combine the data coming from different sources, eliminating redundancy,...

Author(s): Chamran Asgari, Javad Akbari Torkestani and Ahmad Zareie

March 2012

Hybrid Control for an Overhead Crane

One of the common industrial structures that are used widely in many harbors and factories are overhead crane. Overhead cranes are usually operated manually or by some conventional control methods. In this study, a new combination of nonlinear backstepping scheme with fuzzy system is presented to control both position regulation and anti-swing control to avoid collision with other equipments. This...

Author(s): Atefeh Saedian, Mahdieh Adeli, Hassan Zarabadipour and Mahdi Aliyari Shoorehdeli

March 2012

Effects of deforestation on soil major macro-nutrient and other selected chemical properties of secondary tropical peat swamp forest

Development of agriculture and economic sector has become a subject to the current deforestation of tropical wetland region. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of deforestation on secondary tropical peat swamp forest (TPSF) by comparing macro-nutrients and others selected peat soil chemical properties of secondary TPSF and deforested secondary TPSF site. Peat soil samples were collected from...

Author(s): S. M. Ismawi, S. Gandaseca and O. H. Ahmed

March 2012

Experiments on hydraulic relations for flow over a compound sharp-crested weir

Basic experiments were conducted in a near full-scale compound sharp-crested weir. The compound sharp-crested weir composed of a trapezoidal weir, sloping crests and a rectangular weir. Detailed velocity measurements were performed for the effects of the compound weir geometry on the flow velocity distributions and the kinetic energy correction factors. Furthermore, a theoretical discharge equation for the...

Author(s): Jung-Tai Lee, Hsun-Chuan Chan, Chin-Kun Huang and Jan-Mou Leu