August 2012
A seismological view to Gökova region at southwestern Turkey
Recent seismic activity in Gökova region can be characterized by earthquake swarms, which mostly occured during 2004 and 2005. This activity was continued for seven months and 1558 seismic events were recorded at this period. The b-value of Guthenberg-Richter relation is investigated for this earthquake swarm and a high b-value is found as 1.73±0.08 using the maximum likelihood method. In...
August 2012
Characteristics of total solar radiation in an urban tropical environment
The maximum total solar radiation in Ibadan (7.38° N, 3.93° E), Nigeria occurred around 13 and 14 h local time (LT) and it varied from an average value of 584.3±10.9 Wm-2 in the wet season (April to October) to 642.5±10.8 Wm-2 in the dry season (November to March) throughout the period of 1997 to 2001. Maximum total solar radiation had two peaks, one in March/April/May...
August 2012
Macrophyte waste stabilization ponds: An option for municipal wastewater treatment
The objective of this research is to evaluate the performance of macrophyte waste stabilization pond system for municipal wastewater collected from Taxila (Pakistan). A model of macrophyte waste stabilization pond system was operated for six trials with each trials comprising different detention times that is 3, 5, 7 and 10 days, respectively. For the treatment, locally available macrophyte (water hyacinth)...
August 2012
The study of coefficient of friction for light motorcycle sliding on asphalt road
The very high number of motorcycles in Taiwan contributes to its high accident rate. Handling a two-wheeled motorcycle during an accident is difficult, frequently resulting in falls and sliding along the road surface. Speed is often used to identify the party at fault. The friction coefficient and scrape mark length are typically used to estimate vehicle speed. Most literature focused on heavy motorcycles,...
August 2012
A novel study in relation between the mass and gravity
In this paper, by reviewing old as well as modern controversial findings, it was shown that gravity is a single unique phenomenon that after appearance attracts mass and particles around itself. This makes a misunderstanding of mass-gravity relation as cause and effect. Here, a discussion was put ahead, which concludes that mass; and actually energy condensation, cannot create gravity and it would be shown...